Posted by Joe Oldak on

I'll have a look into this - as I can see you've received the "User membership request" email a few times recently, but as far as I can see this shouldn't be possible for your site as you have the Membership Policy set to Private (invitation only) - so nobody should be able to directly request site membership.

To encourage people to use your official means of joining your organisation, it may be good to add a button in the header of your site, that goes to the Become a Member page, e.g., as Croydon Mencap have done at the top of their site.

This can be done by adding a link to the page in the Extra Banner HTML settings of the Fresh theme, and giving the link the Button Primary class (using the popdown in the Add Link dialogue box)

Good luck


Posted by Kathryn Mitchell on

Thanks Joe.

I've added this button but for some reason, it only shows up if (in the view of a non-member), I click on 'Log In'.

Not sure if it's a glitch that will maybe sort itself out in time.


Posted by Joe Oldak on

Great, it looks good to me!

The reason it's not showing when not logged in is that the homepage has been cached, you'll see that it does appear on other pages on the site even when not logged in.

The cache will update soon and then it'll appear on the homepage for everyone.

(this isn't usually a problem as the cache is automatically flushed whenever you publish new content, but this doesn't happen when you change theme settings - though I think it probably should!)



Posted by Kathryn Mitchell on

Okay thanks Joe.

I also did a test with my colleague whereby she clicked the 'Register now for your login to Voice Online Communities' link on our login page and it has come through to me as a membership request, so that must be what the other people did, although I'm not sure why as it does state become a member of Voice Online Communities (not our organisation name).

