Strange, I'll see if I can see what was causing the error anyway - since it's annoying when things go wrong in a non-reproducible way!
You can delete individual responses if you go to the Responses tab for the survey, then go to By user, look at the individual user response, and there's a delete button in there.
It doesn't seem that there's a way to delete all responses in one go, nor to delete anonymous responses. Hopefully this is fine for you for now!
I could add a Delete all responses button, which I think could be generally useful for lots of people!
A delete all responses button would actually be awesome - that would mean that I could recycle old surveys rather than setting up new ones.
I checked out the "delete by user" option, but the button doesn't seem to show for me (unless I'm in the wrong place). I only see a "view response" option.
I can't seem to attach a screensot, but I'm here if that helps:
Delete all, and delete one by one (including anonymous) would definitely be a helpful improvement.
Again, thanks for your help Joe :)