That shouldn't be necessary - I'm sure we can fix your access to the existing site. I'll contact you separately by email.
Joe - Voice Admin
Hi Terry,
I've added the account you posted this message from as an admin of the Beconsfield NT site.
It wasn't an admin of the site but I don't know why. Maybe you deleted the old account and created a new one?
Anyway, it should work fine now!
Thanks Joe. I can see that i'm the administrator but I cannot access the webpage that I set up (and saved) on 17/02/23. Neither can I access the site to continue editing.
If you have question about specific pages it's probably best to email them to since the answers will be very specific to your individual site.
I can only see one page in your Content Management tab - and that appears to be in Trash. If you Cut it (button on the Edit tab) then go to the homepage and Paste it, then check it's published, then it will be visible from the public site pages.