Posted by Carole Short on

I made a new page by copying an existing one.  How do I change the new page's url?

2: Re: Change URL (response to 1)
Posted by Voice Admin on

If you're using the CMS, then the URL is formed from using the "menu title" of the page.

Once a page is published then you can update the menu title without changing the URL - since we don't want to change the URL unnecessarily.

However, if you want to force a page to use a new URL, because you don't like the current one, then the trick is to unpublish the page, then change the menu title, then publish it again.

i.e., when an unpublished page is published it'll create a new URL from the menu title, but when an already published page is update it doesn't.


Joe - Voice Admin

3: Re: Change URL (response to 2)
Posted by Carole Short on

Great - many thanks - have been struggling with this for a while


Posted by Mo. on

Hello Joe, 

I've just completed a contact form asking for help to change the URL of a web page I requested for earlier today that was approved. 

Reading this, I wonder if I can do it myself but I can't figure out how to unplish a page, can you please help me. My searches so far for this have been unsuccessful. 


Posted by Joe Oldak on

Changing a site's URL can be done, though it has to be done by a sitewide administrator (as there are various caveats which need to be considered before making the change).

I've changed it as requested and replied to your email.

