Lunch box

Ideas for a 'healthy' lunchbox (Primary School Health Nurse Team)

Deciding what is best to put in you child's lunchbox can be difficult.  With a little inspiration your child's lunch can be fun, healthy and tasty.  A healthy packed lunch should include something from each of the four main food groups - starchy carbohydrates, fruit and vegetables, protein and dairy foods - as well as a drink.

Starchy carbohydrates

A sandwich, roll, wrap or pitta bread (try using wholemeal varieties or 50/50), pasta, couscous or rice.

Protein filling

Lean meat, chicken, turkey, fish, tuna, egg or beans.

Fruit and vegetables

Chop raw vegetable crudites such as carrot sticks which can be great for dipping into hummus.

Fresh fruit (apple, banana, grapes - cut length wise)

Dried fruit (raisins, apricots)


Low fat yoghurt - plain or fruit (watch out for those high in sugar!)

Small pot of rice / low fat cheese slices 

Added extras

Plain popcorn or reduced fat crisps

Sugar free jelly pot

A plain biscuit

Put in a drink

It is important to stay hydrated, so give your child a bottle of plain water, plain milk (skimmed or semi-skimmed), or no added-sugar fruit juice.


There are plenty of websites on the internet that can provide additional lunchbox ideas and tips.