What we do


The Friends of the Hendreds (FOTH) is a Parent Teacher Association. It raises money to fund extra-curriculum activities and additional expenses. More importantly though, it adds yet another layer to the rich fabric of school life: Raising the community spirit with colourful events as well as broadening the children's experience through exciting trips and additional resources.

Letter for 2020 New starters

FoTH AGM - 11 November 2020

AGM Agenda

Minutes from 13/11/2019

FoTH uses Classlist for communicating with parents and carers.  More information can be found here.



New books are periodically donated to each classroom.


Due to the PTA matching the funding of the school, new iPads have been purchased.


Once a year, the children delight in receiving ‘Marcel the Musician’ into their classrooms, where he enchants them with new songs, movement and exciting new instruments.


We have recently provided new judo mats.

School Trips

Often we are able to help fund transport for school excursions.

It’s not all about raising money either. Sometimes we lend our magic touch to social functions in order to encourage closer links between home and school by enlivening these events, our aim is to foster a better relationship between parents, staff and pupils.

The Goblin Cars

This project has been funded by local associated businesses, with the help of some enthusiastic parents, has been a highlight of the Year 6’s extra-curricular timetable. Not only has it been a huge success, but an incredible investment too, as the cars will be taken apart at the end of every year to be rebuilt and raced again, by the subsequent Year 6s.


As a general rule, we have one main fund-raising event per term.  However we are always looking for new ideas and do try to do as much fundraising as we can as new needs are constantly arising.  Three of our yearly events:

Winter Term - Christmas Fair Spring Term - Quiz Night Summer Term - Summer Fete