Minutes of meeting, Tuesday 9th April 2024

Little Totham Parish Council


Minutes of Meeting, Tuesday 9th April 2024


The Parish Council met on Tuesday 9th April in the Evangelical Hall, at 7.30pm.




Chairman  N. Lawrence


Councillors: V. Hare, J. Hughes and S. Venton                                                                                Parishioners: 2

In attendance: J. King


24.44  Apologies for Absence:  Councillors T. Gritton and A. Philpott sent their apologies.

Due to ongoing health issues, Councillor Philpott has asked about the possibility taking some extended leave from attending parish council meetings.

RESOLVED The Clerk to look into the correct procedure for this to happen.


24.45  To invite Councillors to declare an interest in matters on the Agenda

None were declared.


24.46  Minutes 12/03/24

RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12th March 2024 be approved and confirmed.


24.47  Co-option of new parish councillor

Jonathan King was in attendance at the meeting and had previously informed councillors that he would like to be considered for the vacant councillor position.  Councillor Hughes proposed Jonathan King for the role, it was seconded by Councillor Hughes and all were in favour.

Jonathan King signed the declaration of acceptance of office form which was witnessed and then signed by the Clerk.


24.48  Update for parish newsletter

Councillor Gritton was due to write the update this month but he was absent from the meeting.


24.49  Common land

Councillor Hughes reported that she has had no further communication with Mr Mabbitt since the last meeting.  It was agreed that it will be useful to obtain some indicative costs of transfer in order to discuss how cost might be shared.

Councillor King explained that Mr Mabbitt has cautionary registration of the land at present, so would need to get full registration with land registry before any transfer can happen.  Councillor King’s brother Robert who is one of the Registered Commoners has offered to help with this if required.

It was discussed that it might be a useful way forward to have a separate meeting just for the common land issues in due course with Mr Mabbitt, Maldon District Council and Registered Commoners in attendance. 

RESOLVED Councillors Lawrence and Hughes to get quotes for cost of full land registration and transfer.


24.50  Contract with Skippers 2024/25

The Clerk had circulated the proposed contract from Skippers to all councillors prior to the meeting.  All agreed that it would be useful to know when the cutting is scheduled to be carried out in advance.  Councillor Lawrence signed the agreement for 2024/25.

RESOLVED The Clerk will return the signed agreement to Skippers and ask about cutting schedule.


24.51  Banking arrangements

Barclays Bank have contacted the Clerk to request more information before Councillor Hughes can be added to the mandate, but have not specified the information that they require.  The Clerk will progress changing to another bank rather than attempting to resolve all of the current issues with Barclays.


24.52  a) Planning applications

24/00236/FUL PP-12750635 Demolition of existing outbuilding and erection of replacement outbuilding at the Swan PH, School Road – Councillors had no comments.


  1. b) Planning decisions

PACUAR/MAL/24/00093 Application for prior approval for the change of use of an agricultural building into one dwelling at White Horse Farm, School Road – refused due to insufficient information provided by applicant.


24.53  TCWG and speedwatch

Current report not yet received from MDC.


24.54  Annual Parish Meeting

The church is available on either Friday 17th May or Friday 31st May.  Councillors agreed to hold the meeting on Friday 17th May.  The Clerk will book the church and ask Lorna Key and David Brewer if they are available to attend to present reports for All Saints Church and Evangelical Church respectively.

RESOLVED The Clerk to progress arrangement for the Annual Parish Meeting.


24.55  Invoices presented for payment


MDC                                         Tru Cam patrols Jan-March                  £291.82

Autela Payroll                        Payroll services                                         £56.44

HMRC                                       Income tax                                                 £135.20

  1. Gardiner Clerk’s salary Q4 £540.80

EALC                                         Affiliation fees 2024/25                         £142.46

LT Evangelical Church         Hire of hall                                                 £20.00


24.56  Correspondence

Contract from new provider DM Payroll Services Ltd which Councillor Lawrence signed.  Enquiry from resident overlooking the village green about cutting and hedge maintenance which Councillor Lawrence had responded to.  The Clerk had forwarded all other correspondence to councillors.


24.57  Update from District Councillor

Councillor Hughes updated all that the consultation for the future of St Peter’s has now closed and discussed the efforts of the Save Maldon’s Medical Services campaign group.


24.58  Public questions

No questions from the public.



There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.30pm







                                                                                    Signed by the Chairman…………..…………………………




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