Minutes of meeting Tuesday 4th June 2024

Little Totham Parish Council


Minutes of Meeting, Tuesday 4th June 2024


The Parish Council met on Tuesday 4th June in the Evangelical Hall, at 7.30pm




Chairman  N. Lawrence


Councillors: T. Gritton, V. Hare, and J. King                                                                                Parishioners: 0


24.74  Apologies for Absence:  Councillor S. Venton sent his apologies.

Due to ongoing health issues, Councillor Philpott has decided to resign as a Parish Councillor.

RESOLVED Chairman Lawrence will write to Councillor Philpott to acknowledge her resignation email and to thank her for her contribution to the parish council.


24.75  To invite Councillors to declare an interest in matters on the Agenda

Councillor King has an ongoing interest in Item 7 the common land.


24.76  Minutes 07/05/24

RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 7th May 2024 be approved and confirmed.


24.77  The election of the Vice-Chairman

Councillor Gritton proposed and Councillor King seconded that Councillor Hughes be elected as Vice-Chairman.  The Declaration of Office was read out and signed by Councillor Hughes and witnessed and signed by the Clerk.


24.78  Update for parish newsletter

As attendance at the Annual Parish Assembly was so low, it was agreed that it would be useful to publish the Chairman’s report from the meeting in the newsletter.

RESOLVED The Clerk to send the Chairman’s report to Philip Smith and ask if there is enough space to publish it.


24.79  Clerk’s report

The Clerk reminded all Councillors that they need to complete their Register of Interests form online for Maldon District Council.

All required documents and financial information has been handed over to Rowena Collins and she is in the process of carrying out the internal audit.

Metro Bank has confirmed that the Parish Council is eligible to open a community account with them and the Clerk is awaiting the paperwork to open the account.


24.80  Common land

Councillors all agreed that the common is looking good following the hard cuts last year which had been of concern.  Chairman Lawrence reported that he has sighted motorbikes using the common today and the golf situation is ongoing.

Chairman Lawrence reminded Councillor King that he must inform and get agreement from all of the Councillors when discussing the common with others in his capacity as a Parish Councillor.

There is electric fencing still on the common and different options were discussed to monitor grazing periods and encourage commoners to tidy after grazing.

It was agreed by all that it would be useful for a separate meeting to be arranged between the Parish Council and the registered commoners to talk about the possible land transfer and all of the issues which have recently been discussed regarding the common.

RESOLVED Councillor King to find out if the commoners would be interested in meeting and when would be suitable.

Quotes for land registration and transfer still required.


24.81  a) Planning applications

No new applications.


  1. b) Planning decisions

HOUSE/MAL/24/00083 Single storey extension and front porch Two Jays, Green Lane – approved.


24.82  Play equipment repairs

Councillor Hare had sent a photograph of the metal protectors on swings she had seen in Halstead for Councillor Venton to investigate.


24.83  Tru Cam report

The latest report received was for April 2024, when there were five people caught speeding.


24.84  Village tidy up

The proposed date of 8th June was not suitable because of a clash with Open Gardens.  It was agreed that the session would be held on Saturday 29th June meeting at 1.00pm.


24.85  Invoices presented for payment


Skippers                                   Extra cut for car show                            £78.00

  1. Gardiner Clerk’s salary May £216.63

LT Evangelical Church         Hire of hall (Annual & monthly mtg) £40.00


24.86  Correspondence

The Clerk has received correspondence from HMRC to report an overpayment which the new payroll company are following up.  All other correspondence has been forwarded to Councillors.


24.87  Update from District Councillor

Councillor Hughes reported that MDC will be going through the process of recruiting a new Chief Executive.  Councillor Siddall has been elected as Leader for another year and the finances of the council are still improving.


24.88  Public questions

There were no members of the public in attendance.



There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.43pm







                                                                                    Signed by the Chairman…………..…………………………