Minutes of meeting, Tuesday 3rd September 2024

Little Totham Parish Council


Minutes of Meeting, Tuesday 3rd September 2024


The Parish Council met on Tuesday 3rd September in the Evangelical Hall, at 7.30pm




Chairman  N. Lawrence


Councillors: T. Gritton, V. Hare and J. King                                                                                       Parishioners: 1


24.117  Apologies for Absence:  Councillors J. Hughes and S. Venton sent apologies.


24.118  To invite Councillors to declare an interest in matters on the Agenda

Councillor King has an ongoing interest in the common land.


24.119  Minutes 06/08/24

RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 6th August 2024 be approved and confirmed.


24.120  To receive a presentation regarding the Chalet Field, Barrow Marsh Caravan Park

Resident of the Chalet Field, Deborah Bunn and local historian, David Newman delivered an illustrated presentation about the history of the Chalet Field site and some of the problems that Deborah is currently experiencing there.  Part of the site is in Little Totham parish and Councillors discussed the issues at length with Deborah.  Chairman Lawrence asked Deborah what she would like Councillors to do going forward, other than note the presentation for information.  There was no action that Deborah was requesting the Parish Council to take.  The Clerk suggested some information to research which might be useful for Deborah.

RESOLVED The Clerk to email links for information to Deborah and David


24.121  Update for parish newsletter

The Clerk had written the paragraph for August after liaising with Philip Smith, the newsletter editor to provide contact information in order for residents to report issues occurring in the parish such as highways problems.  Councillors will therefore take the following months:

September: Councillor King

October: Councillor Hughes

November: Councillor Venton

December: Chairman Lawrence

RESOLVED Councillor King to write September’s paragraph and send to the Clerk.


24.122  Common land

There is still a heap of unused mulch near the new trees which Chairman Lawrence has contacted Essex County Council about.  Their contractors do not have capacity to spread the remaining mulch at present.  Peter Hare offered to undertake the task.

RESOLVED Chairman Lawrence to liaise with Peter and inform ECC.

24.123  a) Planning applications

24/00628/VAR Variation of plans and materials on approved planning permission for Holly Cottage, The Street – no comments from Councillors.


  1. b) Planning decisions

No decisions from MDC.


24.124  Play equipment repairs

Councillor Venton had confirmed that the playground inspection still noted the swing timbers as amber rather than red and he was continuing to look into options for the repairs.


24.125  Pond maintenance

Councillor Gritton’s strimmer is now repaired and he can undertake pond clearance work with Councillor Venton.

RESOLVED Councillors Gritton to liaise with Councillor Venton to progress.  


24.126  Potential village projects

The Clerk had found some indicative costs for outdoor play equipment and table tennis.  The Community Initiatives Fund is now open for applications and Active Maldon funding will be available soon.  Councillor Gritton highlighted that table tennis sessions are held weekly in the Evangelical Church and therefore outdoor table tennis might not be needed.

RESOLVED Councillor Gritton to discuss table tennis need with Church.


24.127  Recognition gifts for litter pickers

Councillors agreed that the Clerk can purchase 2x£20 vouchers for Perrywoods Garden Centre to give to the litter pickers in appreciation of their efforts.

RESOLVED The Clerk to get the vouchers and Councillor King to provide contact details for the litter pickers.


24.128  Tru Cam report

The latest report received was for July 2024 when one person was caught speeding.


24.129  Invoices presented for payment


  1. Gardiner Clerk’s salary August £187.33

LT Evangelical Church         Hire of hall                                                 £20.00


24.130  Correspondence

EALC AGM will be held on 26th September at Colchester Stadium, please let the Clerk know if you would like to attend.


24.130  Update from District Councillor

No report from Councillor Hughes.


24.131  Public questions

No questions from the public.


There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.35pm.







                                                                                    Signed by the Chairman…………..…………………………




Village projects

Play equipment

Pond clearance

Remembrance Service