Minutes of meeting Tuesday 2nd July 2024

Little Totham Parish Council


Minutes of Meeting, Tuesday 2nd July 2024


The Parish Council met on Tuesday 2nd July in the Evangelical Hall, at 7.30pm




Vice-Chairman  J. Hughes


Councillors: T. Gritton, V. Hare, J. King and S. Venton                                                                   Parishioners: 0


24.89  Apologies for Absence:  Chairman N. Lawrence sent his apologies.


24.90  To invite Councillors to declare an interest in matters on the Agenda

Councillor King has an ongoing interest in Item 6 the common land.


24.91  Minutes 04/06/24

RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 4th June 2024 be approved and confirmed.


24.92  Update for parish newsletter

The Chairman’s report from the Annual Parish Meeting was published in the June newsletter.  Going forward, Councillor King will also take his turn writing the monthly paragraph and the following order was agreed:

July: Councillor Gritton

August: Councillor King

September: Councillor Hughes

October: Councillor Venton

November: Chairman Lawrence

RESOLVED Councillor Gritton to write July’s paragraph and send to the Clerk.


24.93  Clerk’s report

The Clerk reminded all Councillors that they need to complete their Register of Interests form online for Maldon District Council.  Councillor Venton still to complete his form.

Rowena Collins has completed the internal audit and the Clerk has submitted all of the necessary paperwork to PFK Littlejohn to carry out the external checks.  Councillors agreed that the Clerk can purchase Rowena a small gift in appreciation of her efforts.

Metro Bank has sent the forms to the Clerk for a community account but highlighted that there is a £5/month charge per person to use online banking for this account.  As the Clerk has been in contact again with Barclays for the audit process, it was agreed to try updating the mandate with the new form they have sent.

RESOLVED Councillor Hughes to complete the mandate form and pass back to the Clerk.


24.94  Common land

In Chairman Lawrence’s absence, it was agreed to defer detailed discussion about the common land until next meeting.

Councillor Hughes briefly reported that a resident walking on the common had recently felt targeted by golf balls being hit towards them so Councillor Lawrence and the Clerk have reported to the Police non-emergency system.  Councillor Lawrence has also written to Priti Patel MP.

Councillor King updated that he has spoken to the commoners but that they are not keen to have a meeting with the Parish Council until the land is officially registered with the land registry.  Councillors felt this is disappointing because dialogue and communication between the two groups would be useful at this stage to discuss issues such as cutting regimes and ongoing management.

RESOLVED Quotes for land registration and transfer still required.


24.95  a) Planning applications

APP/X1545/W/24/3341593 Appeal to the Secretary of State against MDC’s decision to refuse to grant retrospective planning permission for change of use of land and stationing of a mobile home at Willowbrook Farm, The Street – Parish Council objections submitted to the Planning Inspectorate reinforcing the response previously submitted to MDC.


  1. b) Planning decisions

FUL/MAL/23/01242 Construction of a single dwelling land adjacent to Eagle Lodge, Plains Road – refused as the site is outside of the defined settlement boundary.


24.96  Play equipment repairs

Councillor Venton has found galvanised metal protectors for the swing posts priced at £65/pair.  He will check with the play inspection company to see if they are compliant.


24.97  Tru Cam report

The latest report received was for May 2024, when there were six people caught speeding.


24.98  Invoices presented for payment


Microsoft                                Annual subscription                                £59.99

  1. Gardiner Clerk’s salary June £200.13

LT Evangelical Church         Hire of hall                                                 £20.00


24.99  Correspondence

All correspondence has been forwarded to Councillors.


24.100  Update from District Councillor

Councillor Hughes did not provide an update because of the General Election purdah period.


24.101  Public questions

Although there were no members of the public in attendance, Councillors discussed potential projects for the village such as outdoor gym equipment, public table tennis equipment, football goals.  Councillor Gritton to ask for ideas and support in the newsletter update.



There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.20pm







                                                                                    Signed by the Chairman…………..…………………………




Village projects

Pond maintenance