Financial Reporting

This page contains information required to be published in relation to the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR). 


Fixed Asset Register as at March 2024 - HE_Asset_Register_2024.xlsx


For the year 2023/24 High Easter Parish Council is required to submit documents for a limited assurance audit as income exceeded £25k in the year. The accounting statements below are as yet unaudited, the auditors are PKF Littlejohn, 15 Westferry Circus, London E14 4HD.

Notice of Completion of Audit - to be published once completed.

Notice of Public Rights & info on your public rights -HEPC_provision-for-the-exercise-of-public-rights-2023-24.pdf

Section 1, Annual Governance Statement - HEPC_AGAR_section_1_signed_2024.pdf

Section 2, Accounting Statements - HEPC_AGAR_section_2_signed_2024.pdf

Internal Audit Report - HEPC_AGAR_Internal_Auditor_2024.pdf

External Audit Report - To be published once completed.

Analysis of variances - HEPC_Variance_Analysis_2024.pdf

Bank Rec - HEBank_Reconciliation_March_24.pdf

As required by The Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, please find below details of all transaction for the year to March 24 -



For the year 2022/23 High Easter Parish Council is required to submit documents for a limited assurance audit as income exceeded £25k in the year. This audit is now complete and the documents below are final.

Notice of Completion of Audit - HEPC_Notice_of_Completion_of_Audit_Aug_23.pdf

Notice of Public Rights & info on your public rights - HEPC_provision-for-the-exercise-of-public-rights-2022-23.pdf

Section 1, Annual Governance Statement - HEPC_AGAR_1_signed_2023.pdf

Section 2, Accounting Statements - HEPC_AGAR_2_signed_2023.pdf

Internal Audit Report - HEPC_Internal_Audit_report_2023.pdf

External Audit - HEPC_External_Audit_March_23.pdf

Analysis of variances - HEPC_Variance_Analysis_2023.pdf

Bank Rec - HEPC_Bank_Rec_March_23.pdf

As required by The Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, please find below details of all transaction for the year to March 23 -



For the year 2021/22 High Easter Parish Council is exempt from submitting documents for a limited assurance audit, this was approved at the parish council meeting in May 2022. As a result there is no external audit report this year or confirmation of completion of audit.

Notice of Public Rights & info on your public rights - HPEC_Exercise-of-public-rights-2021-22.pdf

Exemption Certificate - HEPC_Exemption_AGAR_2022.pdf

Section 1, Annual Governance Statement - HEPC_AGAR_2022_Section_1.pdf

Section 2, Accounting Statements - HEPC_AGAR_2022_Section_2.pdf

Internal Audit Report - HEPC_Internal_Audit_March_2022.pdf

Analysis of Variances - HE_Variance_Analysis_March_2022.pdf

Bank Rec - HEBank_Reconciliation21.pdf

As required by The Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, please find below details of all transaction for the year to March 22 -



For the year 2020/21 High Easter Parish Council is required to submit documents for a limited assurance audit as income exceeded £25k in the year. This audit is now complete and the documents below are final.

Notice of Public Rights & Info on your public rights - HEPC_Public_Notice_of_Rights_2020_21.pdf

Section 1, Annual Governance Statement -HEPC_AGAR_Section_1_March_21.pdf

Section 2, Accounting Statements - HEPC_AGAR_Section_2_March_21.pdf

Annual Internal Audit Report - HEPC_AGAR_Internal_Audit_Report_March_21.pdf

External Audit Report - HEPC_External_Audit_Report_2020-21.pdf

Notice of Completion of Audit - HEPC_Notice_of_Completion_2020_21.pdf

Analysis of Variances - HEPC_Variance_Analysis_March_2021.pdf

Bank Rec - HEPC_Bank_Rec_March_21.pdf

As required by The Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, please find below details of all transaction for the year to March 21 -



For the year 2019/20