Parish Council

High Easter Parish Council meets on MONDAY 2nd SEPTEMBER 2024 at 7.30pm in the village hall. The Agenda will be available in the week before the meeting.

Mobile Post Office Van visits every Friday afternoon between 1pm and 2pm in the village hall car park.

Weekend Green Waste Service - The 2024 service visits bi-weekly, next dates are  6th and 20th July, 3rd, 17th, 31st August and 14th and 28th September. The service stops in the village hall car park between 11.30am to 12.30pm and is available to all residents.


The Parish Council, as an elected statutory authority representing the local community, is consulted by Government Departments, Essex County Council, Uttlesford District Council and a wide range of official and voluntary organisations to give the views of High Easter on matters including:

  • Planning Applications and Policy Documents
  • Public Rights of Way
  • Public Transport
  • Road Schemes

The Parish Council also makes representations on behalf of the community, taking into account the views received from individuals and organisations.


Clerk to High Easter Parish Council

Allison Ward

Peartree Cottage, Slough Road, High Easter, Essex, CM1 4RD