Posted by Voice Admin on 20/11/12 10:09
Hi, you're right, I'm afraid there is no includelet that currently pulls items from the noticeboard.
The Contributions includelet shows Forum posts, comments (where enabled), and News items, I guess it would make most sense if it also showed blog/noticeboard items too.
Joe - Voice Admin
Posted by Pammc on 20/11/12 12:40
Is there any possibility of these being included in the contributions includelet?
Posted by Voice Admin on 21/11/12 09:17
Certainly, yes, but not immediately so. I'm currently spending most of my time working on some new whizzy HTML5 themes for Voice, which I think will be of wider appeal. :-)
In the meantime you can flag up important postings using a custom includelet perhaps? Not ideal, admittedly, but hopefully OK to be going on with.
Joe - Voice Admin