Can anyone help me to create a 'button' on a page rather than a line of text with a link on it. Walls of text are not good to read!
I think this was covered partly in a recent zoom meeting but I didn't get the informaiton down as it was gone through very quickly and I couldnt find it in the help documentation.
Any help is appreciated or can you someone point me to the right help sheet.
Hi Kaaren,
The following was provided bythe voicebot;
To create a link using the Useful Links application, follow these steps:
- Go to the administration pages for the Useful Links application.
- Navigate to the Links sub tab and click 'Add Link'.
- Fill in the Title, Description, and URL.
- If you want the link to open in a new window, tick the 'Open in new window' option.
- Click 'Save'.
- Choose the position for your link by clicking on one of the 'Place link here' buttons.

If you're using the WYSIWYG editor in the Voice CMS, you can add a link by:
- Selecting the text or image you want to turn into a link.
- Clicking the 'Insert/Edit Link' button.
- In the dialogue box, click the 'Browse' button next to the Link URL field.
- Select the asset you want to link to, and the dialogue will close, filling in the fields.
- Adjust any settings as needed, then click 'Insert'
Hope that helps.
Voicebot and Mike are correct about creating links - though there's one extra "secret" step for turning a button into a link.
When creating/editing the link, in the dialogue box that pops up you'll see a Class option at the bottom. From here you can select a button class to turn a plain link into a button.
This is a link with the Button Primary class