I can view all parts of our website without any problems. However, as soon as press the edit page icon, a black panel appears covering 1/3 of the right-hand side of the screen with the word “Forbidden” at the top. I do still appear to be able to edit as I was able to delete some unwanted text. The problem appears to only affect our website.
I am using Windows 10 / Microsoft Edge. I tried using “Chrome” - no black panel but the word “Forbidden” still came up and the page content was locked, I could not move around the page or update any text.
I have Norton security running, but I can’t see that it is causing the problem. I have deleted Cookies associated with the website but this has not worked. However, I have not cleared all cookies.
Have you any suggestions about what is going wrong?
Yeah I think so. It should be OK now I hope!
The problem is that I'd added Voicebot into the admin pages for site admins, but when you're running on your own custom domain it doesn't work because Voicebot is only allowed to run on e-voice.org.uk domain - hence it was giving the forbidden error. It's my fault I should have thought of this before adding it, but I was excited to see if it could help people with admin tasks!
I've now removed Voicebot from the admin pages so all should be well again.