Posted by Norman C on

Our site has the applications "Useful Links", "Events Calendar" and "Photo Album" enabled.

The first two appear in the top menu on the home page, "Photo Album" does not, even though it is listed on the home page "Reordering Items" list.  Which is actually potentially quite a useful feature, since I would like to enable "Our Files", but don't want it to appear on the top menu.

I've trawled through the documentation, but cannot find what determines whether an apllication is shown in menus or not.

And how do I link to an application from a web page, so that for example, I could open "Useful Links" or "Our Files" from an embedded link?

Many thanks


Posted by Norman C on

Of course, as soon as I posted, I saw the answer - "Show in Nav" box on the Applications setup page. Duh, sorry.

However, I'd still like to know how to make links to Applications.



Posted by Norman C on

Well this is embarassing - I found the links answer as well, but the link only appears when you first enable the Application, it doesn't appear to be available anywehere else after that.

...and is there any way of deleting mutiple post to the forum?!

