
We use Google forms for one specific purpose within our club, that e-voice surveys did not quite cover. One of the good things with Google's implementation of forms is that you can get plugins that add functionality.

Having had a quick look, there are a few plugins that allow to add various scheduling options to the Google form. The bad news is I can only see one that seems to do what you want, and it is a paid add-on. Although it is not that expensive ($6 / year), and it does have a free trial for testing etc.

I have not tested, so no idea how well it works, it seems you schedule the form availability via an appointment in a Google calendar. The add-in can be found here: https://www.digitalthoughts.science/forms/form-scheduler

Not sure if this helps or not, but it could be worth a look.






Posted by sue potter on

Hi Stephen

Thank you very much for getting back with your thinking.

ATM we don't want to move away from MS forms for data privacy/security reasons.

I reckon MS forms is a fairly blunt tool unless you're a programmer/developer (which we're not!!) so might be waiting a while for Microsoft to add functionality...

Appreciate your response though - thank you v much. It's a useful forum here!
