I've gone with Bootstrap as the options to fiddle are definitely up my street. So now I have a wide navbar, thanks for the pointer. I quite like the new look, although Modern satisfied my fuddy duddy side :-)
There is one other thing that I've noticed with accordion that I would like to mention. Some of my titles are long and depending on the display width you can get the title of the accordion overlapping the ">" (right arrow) expander. This seems to mostly work but I definitely see times when they clash. I would send you a screen shot if I knew how to add a picture in these forum posts.
I think I have another minor issue. I've tweaked one of my Accordion includelets to be a Carosel. I now seem to have a small circular button that does nothing at the end of this page. If you look at
and scroll right to the bottom it's just above the footer on the RHS. I don't believe that I'm (knowingly) generating this.
Hi Graham,
If you have a screenshot of where the arrow is overlapping the header then you can email it over to admin@e-voice.org.uk and I'll have a look.
And the circle will suddenly make a lot more sense if you add more items to the carousel! See the example on the help sheet.
I've emailed you a couple of screen shots of the overlap issue.
For the circle issue, I can be an idiot at time. I don't need a carousel for this item.
Thanks as always.
I've now fixed the problem of the title sometimes overlapping the arrow in the accordion.