Posted by BrynM on

In order to ensure that I do not screw up the live site during my learning phase of using the voice back office, I am trying to make use of the test site but have hit two problems....

1.  The site that comes up is an old version of the site

2. There are no editing facilities available so I cannot try things out in editing the site.

Comments please.




2: Re: Use of the test site (response to 1)
Posted by BrynM on

I cant find a better way of adding to my question, so am using the reply mechanism....

Setting up a demo site is mentioned elsewhere which may be a way of getting to the editing features for the site but it sounds like this would also be a live site.

Is there no way of having a sandbox environment, where you can break things to you hearts content while not affecting the live site ?



3: Re: Use of the test site (response to 1)
Posted by Joe Oldak on

On Monday I'll be copying everything over from the live site to the test site, and then it'll work as expected and you can play with it as much as you like without worrying about breaking anything! :-)
