Posted by orchardgirl on

How would I go about adding a donate button to a charity website?  I found another question about this on the Forums which suggested going via PayPal. Are there other routes to getting a donate button?

2: Re: Donate Button (response to 1)
Posted by Joe Oldak on

Before adding a button you would need the mechanism for people to do the donation itself. Voice doesn't have a payment system built in, so you would need to use a third party for this.

I'm not an expert here, but there are several services that would allow someone to make a donation to a charity. For example I can go to CAF, click on Donate to a charity, search for a charity and donate directly to them.

So in this case it would be easy to make a Donate button on your site which links to the page on the CAF site for your charity. CAF have a page about different ways to set up donations from a website using their tools.

There are other services that let you create a widget that you can embed on a website to donate to a charity. For example: JustGiving, Give Lively, and Donorbox.

I don't know the pros and cons of each service, I just did a web search for charity donation widgets.

So, you need to choose a service that you want to use for gathering donations, then I'm sure we can help with adding the Donate button to your website for that service.


Joe - Voice Admin

3: Re: Donate Button (response to 2)
Posted by michjems on

I have a PayPal link but how do add a donate button to the site and connect it to PayPal?

4: Re: Donate Button (response to 2)
Posted by Lucie on

I would be interested in a donate button as well, iIuse donorbox

5: Re: Donate Button (response to 2)
Posted by Joe Oldak on

The method of adding a donation button will depend on what you want to do.

If you have created a donation page on a third party service (such as JustGiving etc) that you want to link to - then you can create a standard link to this page and style it as a button.

You could add this into the Raw Banner HTML box in the theme options, if you wanted the button at the top of all your pages. Something like this HTML would do it:

<a class="btn btn-primary" href="">Donate</a>


Another option would be to create a page on your site with all the donation information on it, and create a button to link to it in the page header (as above but the URL links to the Donations page on your site).


Some third party services let you create a custom button/widget and will give you some HTML or JavaScript to embed on your site. Donorbox can do this, and there seems to be a way to do this with PayPal here.

To do it this way, first you should create the button/widget that you want using your chosen service. Once this is done you can then either embed their code directly into the Raw Banner HTML (or Raw Footer HTML) in the Theme Options to put it directly on every page, or you could embed it onto a Donations page on your site (using the Raw HTML includelet) and then link to that page.


Sorry that I'm being a bit vague with the answer here - though I can't really be super specific because the "best" option will depend on what you can generate using your chosen third party tool, and whether you want to create a Donations page on your site, link to a donations page elsewhere, or embed a donate widget onto every page of your site.


If you want a more tailored solution for your site and a specific donation service, then you can contact with further details and I may be able to help.




6: Re: Donate Button (response to 5)
Posted by JoMaye on

Here's an example of what we have done:

Both localgiving and Justgiving provide the html for their buttons and you can usually choose what style you want. Just thought it might be useful to see a real life example!