I have uploaded a document (Word file) to our website it is the Agenda for our next meeting.

I have succeeded in moving it into the Agenda section for the correct year but it appears there as an underlined file.

all previously uploaded files appear above it without being underlined.



Hi Rod,

Unless you have a particular reason why the file has to be in Word, can I suggest that you re-save the Word file as a pdf and then upload it.  For some reason they system always refers to Word and Excel files as "Uninterpreted Binary" file types.


Posted by Joe Oldak on

In this case it's just down to the styling added in the WYSIWYG editor for the link to the file.

You can remove the styling (so as to return to the default) by loading the page in the editor, selecting the bit that you want de-styling, then clicking the 'eraser' icon - this is roughly in the middle in the third row of icons.

As an aside, I'd probably recommend using the Our Files app to upload minutes and agendas - you can create folders and add files in here, without having to then edit links on pages.

