Posted by Joe Oldak on

Hi all,

If you share a page on your favourite social media you should hopefully now get an image with it too, since Voice sets the appropriate information into the page source.

  • If you share a photo from the photo gallery, the photo and its description are used.
  • If you share a CMS page it uses the first Related Image (see the Relations tab to set the image).
  • Other pages (and CMS pages with no Related Images) use your site's logo.

I've been testing it out on the Voice Twitter Page. Do try it with your own pages and let us know how you get on!


Joe - Voice Admin

Posted by Joe Oldak on

Now that images have been added to Events in the Events Calendar app, if you share an event to Twitter/Facebook/etc the image and description will be used.

Here's an example of an Event shared from the from the Voice Demo Site.

