Posted by paucon on

Hi Joe,

I get the same thing when accessing the documentation search box from the Website admin page.

The detail is as follows

Your connection is not private 

This server could not prove that it is; its security certificate is from This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection.


However it is another security issue regarding a browser message "Deceptive site ahead" for our website that I am concerned about. But I will add that in a seperate post. Thanks



Posted by paucon on

Apologies, my issue is not the same thing, but rather a browser "Your connection is not private" page displays when I access the documentation search box from the Website admin help page.


Posted by Voice Admin on

Ahhah, I've fixed this now - thanks. The site doesn't exist any more - I moved all the documentation onto the Voice site some time ago but hadn't updated the links in the admin pages!

