I don't think notifications go just to the survey creator, or to all admins. I believe it's configurable per-admin and per-survey. If you go to the survey admin page, Email and Notifications tab, you should be able to choose whether or not you get notifications from that survey.
Joe - Voice Admin
Hi Joe,
I'm familiar with the email tab referred to in your reply. I have tried checking and unchecking the tick box and it made no difference. The manual is quite clear that email alerts should go to the person running the Survey not to all those with local site administration profiles. The fact that we have 8 site administrators is another issue which I'm about to change. Either there is a bug on the system and email alerts are going to all administrators rather than the survey creator or the system parameters have been changed and the online manual has not been updated.
Secondly, I have had difficulty in changing the interval period away from instant.
Finally there is the matter of the missing send encrypted email facility that again is referenced in the online manual, but missing from this tab.
This is a copy of the original text fir raised ad a potential bug on the system.
This is an extract from the online manual relating to Surveys (http://cambridgeopensystems.com/documentation/applications/surveys/) the text in blue is from the website -
Email and Notifications
This tab of the administration interface offers management tools to support your survey.
Firstly it allows the author of the survey to configure notification emails for themselves whenever a visitor responds to the survey. The "Interval" drop down box specifies how often the system should send the emails to you, such that if hourly or daily is selected, emails will be grouped into batches sent with that frequency.
Secondly the author is able to create and send out two types of emails regarding the survey.
- Send Bulk Mail - This button will send the mail automatically to all registered users who have responded to the survey.
- Send Authenticated Link - This button will send the mail to all registered members of the website. The mail will include a link that will automatically log the recipient in and take them to the first page of the survey.
I manage the ICT for a small Choir. We have, for the first time, used the Survey functionality on the system to create a very simple questionnaire. Reading the manual it would imply that the person who is the "author" of the survey will be the person to whom emails are sent as and when the survey is completed. However, it transpires that other colleagues who also have Admin rights in the website receive email notifications each an everytime a survey is competed. The manual implies that the author of the survey is able to configure notification emails for themselves whenever a visitor responds to the survey - there is no reference to other Website Administrators receiving emails. I have tried ticking and unticking the "Notify Me" box in the Emails & Notifications tab, but that doesn't seem to stop the emails going to the other Administrators. Other website Administrators do not want to be bothered by such emails.
The fact that all Administrators are receiving email notifications each and everytime a survey is completed seems to imply that (a) there has been a change to the system and the online manual has not been updated; or (b) there is a bug on the system.
Also under this tab there is supposed to be a Send Authenticated Link button that seems to be missing. Again is this a change to the system or a bug?