I have built a number of websites on Surrey Community Info which uses the same platform as Voice. Is it possible to do an export of a whole web-site and then an import into Voice

Posted by SVH_Webmin on


I asked the same question and got a response that there's no easy way to move the whole site somewhere else.



"We can in theory move some of the content across between bedsparishes and e-voice, for example, but even then any links with the bedsparishes domain in it wouldn't work. This would be mitigated somewhat if you used the same url stub for an e-voice site. (i.e., so you had e-voice.org.uk/THING which matches bedsparishes.gov.uk/THING). But any links referencing bedsparishes directly would need manually updating."

Some items would get moved over but a lot would be lost.

Not sure it helps. 
James (a user not an admin)



Posted by Voice Admin on

We are now able to transfer the Content and Assets Library between systems. However we cannot transfer anything within applications (Photo Albums, Discussions, etc), nor can we transfer accounts or membership settings.

If this is something that would be helpful to you then you should first create a site on e-voice, then email support@e-voice.org.uk to request a content transfer from your old site to your new site.

We will do the transfer for you within a few days and let you know when it's done.

You will still need to do some checking and possibly fixing of content - most likely where includelets are used.

SurreyCommunity have added this helpful page that goes into a bit more detail about the process. (The process is the same if you're moving from other Cambridge Open Systems platforms, such as EssexInfo and BedsParishes).


Joe - Voice Admin