Hi Joe

We are trying to add a discussion/forum page to our website in order for members and the general public to comment on any aspect of our model engineering hobby.

In order to ensure that the forum is kept secure, we want to set it up so that anyone can view the content, but in order to add to the discussion and/or add new topics, the the person must be registered, whether it be a member or general public.

The Voice Discussion help pages don't seem to make clear how this is acheived.

We are thinking along the lines of a forum similar to the Honda Jazz forum, www.clubjazz.org where these limitations seem to work fine.

Is it possible to set up our forum along similar lines?

Any guidance you can offer would be much appreciated.


2: Re: Discussion Forum (response to 1)
Posted by Voice Admin on

This is actually the standard way in which the forums will work, of you use the permission settings as they are "out of the box". The Public will be able to read the posts, but only logged in site member can add content.

You manage this using the Permissions settings for the Discussion Forums. There are some general instructions on these here.


What you're looking for is Read access for The Public, but only allow Contribute access for Site Members.


Joe - Voice Admin