4: Re: Renaming a page (response to 3)
Posted by mihalis on

Hi Graham, i am with you now, i see what you mean. I replicated your issue and i could not find a solution or documentation either..

Did you delete your page from your trash too? If not i assume you can rename the cloned one to something else and revive your orginal?......

... ......

whilst typing the above i tried this and i think it worked (but to be safe please create a test page, clone it and do the test below to replicate your scenario):

  • Go back into your "copy of ...page".
  • Make sure the "Full title" and "Menu Title" are correct and as you want them to display.
  • Click "SAVE"...NOT "SAVE & PUBLISH"
  • From the tab options click "CUT" (next to the clone tab).
  • From the index menu of your pages click your homepage item name and when prompted "paste here"
  • Now "SAVE & PUBLISH".
  • Check your URL now.

Mine don't show "copy-of..." anymore and didn't even delete the originals from the trash.

Hopefully you will give me thumbs up, it worked for me on 2 tests i did.



5: Re: Renaming a page (response to 4)
Posted by mihalis on

Hi Graham,

I read my response again and maybe its not clear or doesn't  sound right.

All that my process will achieve, is to relocate the page under the homepage, ... in other words , under the main menu tree again. Hence it takes out the "copy of..." as its not located under that old page's location anymore.

If required, when pasting back, you can choose to paste under another page of your tree, as a sub-page.

I hope its making sense ?



6: Re: Renaming a page (response to 5)
Posted by GrahamShort on

Mihalis, that worked a treat. It seems that just a Cut followed by a Paste renames the file as desired. You solved it. At least I wasn't being dense. It could definitely do with a rename button !


Thanks for your help



7: Re: Renaming a page (response to 6)
Posted by mihalis on

Hi Graham,

You are very welcome.

Your good news that it works, did put me me in a good mood to start the week :).

The rename button is a good idea, maybe one of the admin guys of the system to include in the code or at least in the documentation (FAQ, "how to" etc).

