Posted by Becktacular on

Our website is now showing in the url and not our actual domain name. This has broken any hard links within the website. Any ideas why this is happening?

2: Re: Domain name error (response to 1)
Posted by Voice Admin on

It was still working at the domain but the A-Z directory was using the e-voice URL.

I have now fixed this problem for your site - and other sites - so everything should be working just as it used to.



3: Re: Domain name error (response to 1)
Posted by Voice Admin on

I really like your site by the way! You've used the system really well to create an excellent site! :-)


4: Re: Domain name error (response to 3)
Posted by Becktacular on

Thanks Joe, it's a great and easy system to use! And thanks for fixing the issue so quickly :)
