Posted by Becktacular on

Error 503 Service Unavailable

Service Unavailable

Guru Meditation:

XID: 34724573

Varnish cache server


While working on our website I am constantly getting the error above. It is very slow too. Is this a known issue? Is anyone working on it?



Posted by Voice Admin on

As far as I can tell, the slowness was caused by the the site being under very high load temporarily. This occurred a few times this morning, including at around 7.40 when you noticed the problem.

All accesses seemed to be from a single rogue IP address, so I have blocked that in our firewall. Hopefully that'll keep things happy!


Joe - Voice Admin




Posted by SVH_Webmin on

Now getting the same problem.


Thanks James



Posted by Voice Admin on

We've done some work to upgrade the hosting of the Voice and bedsparishes sites. You should now notice that editing pages is faster.

Hopefully this cures these problems that occurred. Though if it happens again do let us know and we will investigate further.


Joe - Voice Admin

Posted by josi51 on

I know this an old post but I have been getting the guru meditation error a lot lately, and accessing the site and pages has been very slow.  Don't know if the same problem has reared it's head again?



Posted by Voice Admin on

It'll not be the same problem, but it's likely related. It occurs when the back end server is under high load and so the front end cache server is timing out waiting for a response.

I realise this can be very annoying, for which I apologise. I'll have a look into it to see if there are some performance problems I can spot.

It ususally happens most when the site is attacked by spammers who send thousands of requests to try to log in or post things as different fake users. These are generally harmless because they get blocked, but it does increase server load while it occurs.



Posted by Voice Admin on

Looks like this problem with the site being slow and Error 503 Service Unavailable appearing has been occuring again recently. Either Voice itself, or the servers are our hosting company, must be under unusually high load.

It has been noted and I'll do what I can to get things running nice and fast again.


Joe - Voice Admin