Posted by Deleted User on

I removed an account (MSERA Chair).

I actually want to reset the password, so it can be issued to the new Chair, following an election.

Is there any way such an 'administrative' account can have the password reset as required by the site administartor?

MSERA Chair. I have access to the password used for the account.


MSERA Secretary .

As I think you have managed to work out (looking at the account history), a user can re-enable their account by requesting a new password from the login page, then logging in.

If they are no longer a member of your site then they will have to re-join. If the site's membership policy doesn't allow people to request to join the site then you as an administrator will have to invite them.

Once they are a member you can grant them Admin rights if you wish to.

If you get stuck let me know...


Joe - Voice Admin