Winter is coming - what you need to know

Click here for advice on being prepared for flooding


Autumn weather

Autumn brings all kinds of issues regarding flooding so on your own prioperty and some related to the roads.  In order to cut down property flooding it is always useful to keep drains on your property clean of leaves.

Clearing blocked gullies and highway drains

Great Eccleston has a lengthsman who reports any blocked drains to the Clerk to the Council who then passes this onto LCC Highways.  However if you are concerned about leaves blocking the highway grids in front of your house then you can easily move the leaves and litter  away from the grid.  The grid is designed to not let leaves enter the road drain but can easily be blocked.  Brush the leavres away from the grid and dispose of them on your compost heap or green bin.  Clearing the leaves regularly makes sure the water can flow freely into the drain next time we get heavy rain.

If you can't clear the blockage yourself, you can report a non-urgent blocked roadside gully by completing LCCs on-line reporting system and they will clear it as soon as we are able to.  Alternatively you can report this to the village lengthsman.  

The county council is not responsible for maintaining roadside drains on unadopted roads. If the road is on a housing scheme you should contact the housing office.