Preparing for a flood and what happens if your house gets flooded

If your home is flooded

If you have flood water in your home please report by email to, Depending on the scale of such problems, we may be triggered to investigate formally (see our investigations policy on the council's website here: Flood-Investigation-Policy.pdf (

Preparing for flooding

Due to the rising population in the village and the change in our climate flooding can now happen at any time therefore we must be prepared for it.  Flooding can come from riding river levels and very heavy rain causing flash flooding therefire it is our responsibility to be prepared for any such events.  Remember it is your responsibility to protect your property.  Therefore it essential to know what to do and what to report.  This website is designed to help you do just that.  


This page will give you the up to date flood alert for the area.  In other parts of the website you can view the national picture and the river level.  The danger points in the village are reported on as well as how you can help others.

  • Check blocked drains around your house - keep them clear of rubbish and leaves
  • If you have a road drain outside your house check for leaves blocking it - report it if there are blockages
  • A lawned or gravel area around your property is better than tarmac or resin paths as it disperses the water into the ground
  • Plant water loving trees or plants to soak up waterlogged areas in the garden
  • Check weather forecasts/this webpage/the PC website for heavy rain
  • Report issues to the Parish Council who have a Flood Officer
  • Make sure your house insurance includes Flood RE
  • When making a claim on your insurance argue and you will be paid more
  • Sign up for flood alerts on Floodline
  • Keep ypour neighbours informed of rising water levels
  • Try not to drive in floods, if you have to keep your speed down to avoid a bow wave


    Clearing blocked drains on your property

    It is your responsibility to clear any blocked drains on your own property.  

    If your property was built before 30 October 1937, the drains serving your property are your responsibility but the sections serving more than one property are owned and maintained by United Utilities.

    If your property was built after 30 October 1937, the drains serving your property are your responsibility but the sections serving more than one property are in shared ownership of those properties.