Sign up for the Met office Warnings

Many villagers signup for Floodline warnings but this only covers the river. Sign up to Met Office weather warnings which will warn you of heavy rain spells that often lead to surface water flooding. Subscribe to email alerts here:

Who to contact in a flood

When you contact anyone about flooding make sure you give as much detail as you can

Lancashire Police 999 - only ring this number if there is an immediate risk to life

Police 101 - Ring this number for non-emergency problems or outside office hours

Floodline - 0345 988 1188

United Utilities - 0345 6723 723 - ring this number if the flooding is from sewers or burst water mains

Lancashire County Council - 0300 123 6780.  Ring this number if flooding is from highway drainage, ground water, surface water or water courses

The Environment Agency incident hotline (0800 80 70 60) should only be used to report a flood. 

Click here for a leaflet on the useful numbers flood_sheet.pdf 


Addional Advice