We are a small group of volunteers who give up our time to try to make Sutton Green and the adjacent Victoria Gardens nicer places to visit for local residents and passers-by alike.

Sutton Green
…is a small, peaceful area of green edged by trees at the northern end of an otherwise busy outer London borough. It’s one of the first things you see after coming under Angel Hill bridge on the way into Sutton from Rosehill.

Sutton Green frontageThe location of the Green is unusual in that it borders the main High Street, usually the preserve of shops. The Green has a long history going back to the early days of Sutton. As an example, during the current long, dry spell, the undocumented and long forgotten remains of an underground World War II air-raid shelter became visible. It came as a surprise to most local residents although some of the older members of the community did have a sketchy recollection of ‘something lurking under the Green’. Sadly it had to be filled in for the safety of the public.

The Green is however more than just an area of green space. The addition of the childrens playground has been one of its great successes of recent times. The range and safety of the equipment and the security provided by the perimeter railings allow the children to play happily and securely and it’s very well used and regarded by local parents and children alike.Tree lined path

We mustn’t forget the other benefits of the Green. The trees that border the Green help to reduce pollution by drawing in carbon dioxide; the well tended and regularly mowed grass provides a comfortable place to take in some summer sun; and you may be forgiven for not being aware, but there are several items of personal training equipment well hidden behind the hedge at the back of the childrens play area. If you prefer a milder form of exercise, a leisurely walk (or two) around the perimeter of the Green followed by a nice cup of tea and a chat in the cafe afterwards is a splendid way to spend some time.

Until the late 1980’s the Green had its own set of Public Conveniences. When they ceased to be operational the building was boarded up and lay dormant for many years. Despite calls for it to be demolished, local Ward Councillors had the foresight to resist and after a long and complicated negotiation with the buildings title holder the Green now boasts the superb, fully refurbished Cafe on the Green complete with clean, modern toilets.