Other Friends Groups and Community Groups
Sutton and its surrounds is fortunate to have many local people who care about others and the local environment and have set up or joined their own local Group, each supporting and organising local events. Sutton Council is very supportive of the various Friends Groups and promotes them on the Council website.
The Friends of Sutton Green are happy to work with other Parks Friends Groups as well as Groups whose aim is caring for the local area and its residents. We already share a lot of activities with the Friends of Rosehill Parks and Manor Park Friends Group. If you are a member of another Group or charity and would like us to include you in our links, please get in touch. Details on the 'Contact Us' page.
Scroll down in the list of links and look for the names of the other Groups. Please click the Group you are interested in and you will be given more information about any events they have told us about. Try clicking on the Groups logo to see if it takes you to their website or Facebook page.
Please don't forget to come back to the Friends of Sutton Green website afterwards!