Community Noticeboard

Comm Action Day 25-07-24


Drop in Advice 07-2024




Festival of Sport 07-2024



Age UK Volunteers 2024


 Workshops Haz Library 02-2024




Terriers Garden 12-2023


Haxlemere Reflections 10-2023


Healthy Activities 14-07-23


Foodcycle Wycombe 01-2023 (2)


Time to Talk 2023


Mind Volunteers 27-10-22


Get Ahead 10-2022


Healthy Minds 2022


Read Easy Chilterns 07-2022


Funded Childcare 30-06-22


Volunteer Advert 05-22


Rennie Grove Support 2022


Voluntary Sector 02-2022

Building Futures 

Its your noticeboard so let us have your posters to include!