We offered our local primary schools a chance to take part in a re-enactment of a Victorian Schoolroom.

The year is 1899 and with the help of our role play Victorian teacher,  the children in Victorian dress experienced what it would have been like to be taught in a country school of that era.

They used slates and a stylus, learned times tables by rote and learned about the British Empire and wild flowers among other topics of the day.

We provided aprons for the girls and caps for the boys. 

We have offered  a talk on the events with our archives available. We also cover Victorian education in Haverhill and Sturmer and the activities of our history group. We also gave the talk in the Haverhill Arts Centre and at Linton Village Hall.  The Haverhill Owls WI attended the talk in the village hall and we will be hosting Haverhill Museum Group in 2024.