January 2025
The draft Neighbourhood Plan went to Basildon Full Council on 16th January 2025 where the Regulation 16 consultation was approved. The consultation will not take place until March 2025 which is a hefty blow to the Parish Council as it will delay the process even further by a total of 6 months. In the meantime an examiner will be appointed, but will not be able to deal with the consultation responses until possibly May 2025 when the consultation finishes. This is a great shame as up until July of last year the Neighbourhood Plan was on track, but despite it being submitted to Basildon Council in July and again in September 2024 they deciced to stretch it out until January to approve it and March for the consultation.
As soon as the consultation goes live, which will last for 6 weeks, the parish council will inform everybody of the dates to make there are as many responses as possible.
December 2024
It has been four months since the Neighbourhood Plan was first submitted to Basildon Council in July and two months since it was resubmitted by request in September with no changes. The Parish Council have been informed by Basildon Council that their Neighbourhood Plan will go to the Cabinet meeting on 9th December for approval to go to Full Council in March 2025. In the meantime an examinor will be selected by both Councils, who will examine the Neighbourhood Plan after the six week consultation has taken place. The Parish Council are disappointed with the lengthy delay before the Regulation 16 consultation can be carried out.
November 2024
The parish council were invited to a Pre Development briefing on Monday 18th November along with Castledon Crouch ward Councillors and other relevant members. The briefing was regarding, Land At Wash Road Junction With Bridge Street, Wash Road, Noak Bridge (Ward: Castledon and Crouch; Parish: Noak Bridge Parish Council)
The Developer, Woolsington One Limited, presented their pre-application development proposals for: Hybrid planning application for up to 299 dwellings comprising detailed planning permission for the first phase of residential development, access from Wash Road and landscaping, and outline planning permission for residential development and community infrastructure with all matters reserved apart from access. Residents will receive information in relation to the proposal and be able to attend a public consultation in the Noak Bridge Village Hall in December
The Parish Council await dates from Basildon Council regarding the publication of Neighbourhood Plan and the Regulation 16 consultation
October 2024
Following the submission of the Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents the Parish Council had not received notification from Basildon Council regarding them publicising the Neighburhood Plan on their website and the regulation 16 consultation, since first submitting the plan for consultation in July and again in September. Regulation 16 has to be carried out by Basildon Council in accordance with the UK Statutory Instruments, 2012 No. 637, Part 5, Regulation 16
September 2024
Links below to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) screening opinions for the draft Noak Bridge Neighbourhood Plan. Receipt of the SEA / HRA documents the Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents has now been formally submitted to Basildon Borough Council. We hope it won't be too long before the Neighbourhood Plan is agreed at full Council and sent for the independant Inspection
NBNP Screening Assessment (PDF 304 Kb)
NBNP Enclosure 1 SEA/HRA (PDF 878 Kb)
August 2024
Basildon Council are in receipt of the Strategic Environmetal Assessment and Habitats Regulations Assessment for the draft Noak Bridge Neighbourhood Plan and have instructed consultants to prepare the screening report. A draft of the report has been sent to statutory consultees for comment and we await the final report
July 2024
Noak Bridge Parish Council formally submit a full set of documents to Basildon Council of the Noak Bridge Neighbourhood Development Plan and supporting evidence base documents for formal examination. The submission comprises of`:
1. Neighbourhood Plan Submission Draft June 2024 (PDF 9 Mb)
2. Design Code V2.2 June 2024 (PDF 10 Mb)
3. Character Appraisal V1.8 June 2024 (PDF 18 Mb)
4. Local Green Space Assessment V2 March 2022 (PDF 7 Mb)
5. Community Facilities Assessment July 2024 (PDF 4 Mb)
6. Basic Conditions Statement June 2024 (PDF 5 mb)
7. Consultation Report V2 July 2024 (PDF 21 Mb)
8. SEA / HRA Screening Request dated 20th June 2024 (PDF 1 Mb)
8a. SEA/HRA Screening Opinion dated 20th June 2024 (PDF 151 Kb)
9. Map of Proposed Neighbourhood Area (PDF 4 Mb)
June 2024
Consultee list and responses from: Resident; Stakeholders; Statutory; and Non Statutory Organisasions.
NBPC NP Consultee List (PDF 137 KB)
NBPC Non Stat Responses (PDF 211 KB)
NBNP Stat Responses (PDF 1 MB)
May 2024
The finishing touches were being made to all documents. Cllr Sargent was drafting the community consultation report ready for the steering committee input
April 2024
The Draft Neighbourhood Plan was discussed at the Annual Parish meeting on 15th April to bring residents up to date with the current position and were pleased the Neighbourhood Plan was at the final stages. Council. Cllr Sargent to prepare a record of community consultation
March 2024
The steering group have agreed amendments to the Neighbourhood Plan in relation to the comments receievd to the consultation on the pre-submission draft. The final draft is being prepared ready for submission to Basildon Council
February 2024
The steering group are in receipt of the Statutory and Non Statutory responses to the Neighbourhood Plan and associated documents. Bluestone consultants are compiling the responses and they will be fed into the Neighbourhood Plan ready for the steering group to agree
January 2024
The planning application outlined below has been submitted to the Local Planning Authority. The application is on the January agenda for the Parish Council to respond and urge residents to send their comments/objections to Basildon Council
23/01551/OUT Location, Land to the South of Wash Road, Wash Road Hybrid planning application for up to 400 residential dwellings comprising detailed planning permission for Phase 1 for the erection of 65 residential dwellings (Class C3) including associated landscaping, amenity and play spaces, parking provision, new pedestrian and vehicular access, sustainable drainage, attenuation basin and associated works; and outline planning permission (all matters reserved, except means of access) for the erection of up to 335 residential dwellings (Class C3), a community use facility (Class E), landscaping, informal sports pitches/spaces, amenity and play spaces, parking provision and vehicular access, sustainable drainage, allotments and associated works
December 2023
Over forty emailed replies have been received on the regulation 14 draft Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents and sent to the consultants to collate along with the survey monkey and all other responses. A report of the responses would be prepared and shared with the NP steering group and fed into the final version of the Neighbourhood Plan
The draft regulation 14 Pre-Submission Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents were sent to over 100 organisations and individuals which included all Local Authorities and Members in Essex, Education, Health, Utility services, Basildon Town / Parish Councils and individual Councillors and organisations with an interest in Neighbourhood Plans. An on-line survey monkey was posted on the parish website along with links to all documents. Paper copies of the documents and survey were made available and a drop- in event was held in the village hall on Monday 9th October 2023 which attracted a group of children from the local school and residents who discussed their views with the consultants and parish councillors. A newsletter with online access to all Neighbourhood Plan documents had been delivered to every home in the parish to inform residents of the consultation, the drop-in event and ways to respond to the consultation.
The Parish Council urge residents to respond to the Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents before the consultation closes on 20th November 2023. Paper copies are available
October 2023
Residents were welcomed to a drop-in session at the village hall on Monday 9th October 2023 and shared their views with the parish council on the Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents. A small group of children from the Noak Bridge Primary School also attended and gave some very interesting contributions on how they see their local parish now and in the future. A survey monkey consultation is also available on the website, paper copies of the survey or documents can be provided if preferred
September 2023
The Neighbourhood Plan Pre-Submission Draft and supporting documents were agreed at the parish council on 21st September 2023 and will be open for consultation for 8 weeks from 25th September to 20th November
The Noak Bridge Steering Committee and consultants will attend a resident drop-in session on Monday 9th October to hear residents views on the Neighbourhood Plan Pre-Submission Draft and supporting Documents
Please send us us your thoughts on the Plan!
Draft Regulation 14 Pre-Submission Neighbourhood Plan (PDF 8 MB)
Local Green Space Assessment (PDF 7 MB)
Regulation 14 Feedback Form (PDF 119 KB)
July 2023
The Steering Committee eagerly await the draft Neighbourhood Plan and Design Code
Link to Basildon Council Consultation: www.basildon.gov.uk/issuesandoptions
June 2023 - Survey Results
Click the link to see the results of the April/May survey on the Neighbourhood Plan; Policy Options, Vision and Themes and Objectives: Survey Results June 2023
Responses to the survey were low but provided sufficient information to inform the draft Neighbourhood Plan
May 2023
Design Code - work is progressing and close to completion
Neighbourhood Plan - the document comprises of the introductory chapters. The consultation results on the policy options, vision / themes and objectives will be fed into the plan in readiness for the regulatory consultation later this year. The £8,000.00 grant from Groundwork UK has been fully spent on the allocated Neighbourhood Plan work
The Parish Council are consulting on the Neighbourhood Plan emerging Polices and Options and the Vision, Themes and Objectives. Residents views are vital at this stage of the plan and your input will help in the completion of the Neighbourhood Plan in readiness for the regulatory consultation. Please read the documents, before completing the survey monkey consultation, links below
Policies and Options April 2023
Vision Themes Objectives April 2023
SURVEY MONKEY CONSULTATION: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/NoakBridge2023
The Neighbourhood Plan survey will be a topic for discussion at the Annual Parish meeting on April 26th 2023, in the village hall at 7.00pm
March 2023
The Neighbourhood Plan draft Policy Options, Vision, Themes and Objectives will soon be ready for resident consultation The Spring newsletter is in preparation with lots of news and updates and will be delivered shortly.
The steering committee met with Croudace Homes to discuss a housing proposal. List of comments setting out issues in relation to the proposal: Comments on Croucdace Proposal (PDF 104 KB)
February 2023
Link to Basildon Council Draft Local Plan Issues & Options Document:
February 2023 , item 80. PDF 774 KB
January 2023
As we enter a new year the outlook for the Neighbourhood Plan is looking more positve
Following on from a local community working party on the Neighbourhood Plan draft and the Character Appraisal the consultants are preparing Design Guides and Princilples which we eagerly look forward to. The consultation strategy documents and policy options consultation are in preparation and a steering group working party will be held to review them
November 2022
The Parish Council and Consultants Bluestone Planning met with Basildon Council to give an update on the Neighbourhood Plan. The consultants are now in the process of writing a draft Neighbourhood Plan based on the outcome of the ongoing work undertaken by the steering committee and will circulate a draft copy on completion. The Parish Council will also send a draft to Basildon Council before commencing on the consultation process. The Neighbourhood Plan draft policies are expected in the first quarter of 2023.
Having received a copy of the Basildon Council draft Noak Bridge Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Plan, the Parish Council have returned their comments on the plan
September 2022
Over the past few months work has been ongoing by the steering committee and consultants firming up the Policy Schedule, finalising the Character Appraisal and completing the Draft Community Facilties Assessment
The parish council were recently awarded a grant of £8,000.00 by Groundwork UK to be overseen by Locality. The grant will specifically fund; a) Preparation of the Pre-Submission draft plan, detailed policies, additional plans, photos and diagrams to support the document; b) Undertake a public consultation of the pre-submission draft plan with in person and online presentation; c) Review and collate the pre-submission draft; d) Amend evidence base review in line with current changes to responses, policy and circumstances
Basildon Council having withdrawn the Local Plan earlier this year are set to agree the Local Development Scheme 2022 - 2027, the timetable can be found on page 25 and the status of Neighbourhood Developmetn Plans in the Basildon Borough can be found on page 38, of the document: https://www.basildonmeetings.info/documents/s128969/Local Development Scheme 2022 - 2027.pdf
June 2022
The comments and observations on the draft Policies and Community Facilities Assessment from the Neighbourhood Plan steering committee have been sent to the consultants. Once the policies are drafted they will be sent back to the steering committee for approval. The Parish Council considered applying for a grant to assist with technical knowledge for the design guide and have sent an Expression of Interest to Locality. At the June Parish Council the work of the volunteer members steering comittee was commended by the Council
May 2022:
Neighbourhood Plan article, page 3 Jubilee Newsletter: Download: Jubilee 2022 (PDF 850 KB April 2022:
Draft Neighbourhood Plan policies were circulated to members and to the steering committee. A working party would be set up to discuss the draft policies and the draft community facilities assessment and conclusions sent to the consultant. This will take some time due to the length of the documents
March 2022:
The draft community facilities assessment was produced by the consultant and sent to the NP steering group for comment. The Council held a virtual meeting with the consultant to agree the next steps, a conservation area character appraisal, design codes and work on policies including a highways policy to be drafted. Education and health matters were discussed along with the withdrawal of Basildon Council Local Plan. It was agreed to continue with the next steps and an agreed time scale for the Neighbourhood Plan and to work alongside the Basildon Local Plan.
February 2022:
The NP steering committee met to discuss the Local Green Space and Public Rights of Way assessments. There were gaps in the Local Green Space document that were finalised by the steering committee. Two members of the group agreed to carry out a PRoW survey. The chairman documented the findings of the Local Green Space and findings of both documents were sent to the consultant
January 2022:
The consultants produced three draft documents (Key Themes and Objectives, Policy Options and the Local Green Space Assessment) for the steering group to consider
November 2021:
Responses to the Housing and ECC Highway questions had been received. A meeting took place with Essex County Council to discuss Education. This is a priority for parents as additional housing in Noak Bridge would greatly impact school places as the school would not have the capacity and would need to expand
September 2021:
As an outcome from the walking workshop consultation and survey analysis the consultants produced a list of questions regarding Housing, Highways and Education They were sent to Basildon Council, Highways and Essex County Council for response which will help inform emerging policies. The businesses within the Parish are being collated and once all the information has been reviewed it will help formulate the Neighbourhood Plan
July 2021: Survey Analysis Data: NBPC Survey Results July 2021
The Parish Council have reinvigorated work on the Neighbourhood Plan. The Parish Council met with Bluestone Consultants to discuss the Neighbourhood Plan work streams, they were agreed and costed in readiness for a grant application to Locality the Neighbourhood Plan support organisation. A Summer newsletter was produced for residents in time for the forthcoming resident consultation (details below) on the Neighbourhood Plan in the form of a Walking Workshop on 14th July. A route around the parish took place with the steering group and residents on a two hour tour of the parish where local knowledge was gained to assist and include in the Neighbourhhod Plan. Pictures were taken, residents pointed out specific areas of concern, unique characteristics of the conservation area and their future aspirations for Noak Bridge. A detailed survey was carried out, the consultants to send the survey analysis data to the Council
The Council joined Parish Online and received a licence for maps which will be a great asset when writing the plan and illustrating specific locations
The Council when costing out the future Neighbourhood Plan work decided to apply for a grant of £10,000 to Locality to cover the costs of the works. The chairman completed the application form which was sent to Groundwork who manage the applications for Locality. The application was granted in a short space of time. Terms and conditions of the grant were duly signed by the chairman and the works have begun for which the grant was awarded
Residents were invited to a Walking Workshop around Noak Bridge on a route trail to take in as much as possible of the Parish. Walking and talking on route, residents will be able to point out items, good and bad in Noak Bridge where they feel the Neighbourhood Plan can develop policies to assist quality of life and the items that impact them
Details can be found: Download: Newsletter - Summer 2021 (PDF - 1000 KB)
In 2018, Noak Bridge Parish Council began the process of developing a Neighbourhood Plan so that residents and businesses would have the opportunity to shape the future of the local area. See documents below relating to the Neighbourhood Area, Application, Decision Notice and Statement
Download: Noak Bridge Neighbourhood Area Application (PDF 179 KB)
Download: Noak Bridge Neighbourhood Area Decision Notice (PDF 668 KB)
Download: Noak Bridge Neighbourhood Area Statement (PDF 4.05 MB)
In September 2019, an information leaflet and questionnaire were delivered to every household within the Noak Bridge Neighbourhood Area. The questionnaire was also available online. The purpose of the questionnaire was to understand the initial priorities of the residents of Noak Bridge, as well as to identify any concerns they have about development within the village. We received over 250 questionnaire responses.
Those responses have now been analysed and the resulting Initial Consultation Report can be downloaded
Neighbourhood Plan Information Leaflet September 2019 (581 KB)
Consultation Report Report January 2020 (364 KB)
Initial Resident Consultation Report March 2020 (783 KB)
NBPC Steer Transport Assessment Review ( PDF 334 KB)
NBNP Meeting Minutes - Basildon Council Policy (PDF 115 KB)
NBNP Meeting Notes - ECC Highway (PDF 158 KB)
NHS CCG Meeting Minutes - (PDF 123 KB)
If you have any questions on the development of the Neighbourhood Plan, you can or ask any of your Parish Councillors.