Subscriptions for 2025
The annual subscription of £5 is due at the beginning of January each year. Reminders are e-mailed to all members, so if your contact details change, please let us know (
We are reducing the amount of paperwork necessary for joining or renewing your membership, and all your details can be entered into forms on this website:
Your data will be held securely in accordance with our GDPR Policy.
How to pay: We have not yet arranged online payment so your options currently are:
- Annual standing order payable on 1st January each year. This is our preferred option.
- One-off bank transfer.
- Cheque made payable to 'Friends of Loxley Cemetery Group', sent to our Treasurer, Jane Pratt, at
Thorn House Farm, West Lane, Holdworth, Bradfield, Sheffield S6 6LD
Bank details
Metro Bank Account: Friends of Loxley Cemetery Group
Sort code: 23-05-80
Account no: 43443054
Please quote your name as reference.
If you have any queries about payment, please e-mail