Safe Cycle Route. (Pittenweem to Kilrenny)

Safe Cycle Route: Pittenweem to Kilrenny – a progress report

So far the link multi-use path near Cellardyke church is complete, bar the solar studs and signing and planting along the length.

The path through Bankie Park is installed and very well used in the true multi-use sense.  Trees have been planted.  More needs to be done to plan the willow arch, solar studs signing and marking.

Dreelside Park also has the path installed and will need the same attention to detail of solar studs, marking and signing.

In various locations kerbs have been dropped and existing paths have  had easier access made to them.

The two big lengths of new path are yet to be worked upon.  It looks as if the first of the two will be along the road from Windmill Road towards Kilrenny Bridge (where strengthening works are about to start).

Discussions are still ongoing over the joining link between Pittenweem and Anstruther.

 Pittenweem Trust is keen ‘to pick up the batonn’ and work out the best routes through their village and have applied for monies for this.

Our group has applied for matched funding from Sustrans for monies raised locally, and for a feasibility study to work out how to take the route eastwards from Kilrenny to Crail.

At the same time efforts are being made to develop a connecting cycle path from St Andrews to Crail.

So, lots of efforts going on, lots of exciting plans and still lots of details to be finalised.

For instance, it would be good to have a common name for our path through the East Neuk.

We need notice boards to be designed to show the area with locations where parking is possible, where electric bikes can be charged and where bikes can be repaired all clearly marked.

Signing with distance and times for walking and cycling is needed.

Please do get back to us with any ideas or comments etc.