Tuesday 10th March 2020

7pm at The Town Hall, Cellardyke


R Wemyss (Chair), Catriona MacPherson (Treasurer) George Walker Dorothea Cargill- Thomson. Steve Liscoe, Sydney Clare Checkland, Glen Jones, Paul Lewis, Elizabeth Dickson, Diana Sykes


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Christine Herd, Catherine Wilson, Laurie Smith, Chris Oliver, Nette Carder, Johnny Brown


2. Minutes of the previous meeting held on 10th December 2019- Agreed as a true record - Proposed by Diana Sykes Seconded by Elizabeth Dickson Subject to the typing error being amended on Point 7 this should read “undertake” not “undertaken”


  1. Matters arising from the minutes

There were no matters arising from the minutes that were not on the agenda.


Richard sought to assure Glen Jones of the unanimous agreement in point five of the

minute that the CRA would continue until its obligations with the SLC were discharged, and after that point it could be wound up.


4. Update on Projects


The Sea Queen Festival – Richard Wemyss updated the group on the plans for the Sea Queen Festival and the multiple projects based round the 2020 idea. Plans were going well and most permissions had already been sought. Richard asked Glen Jones ( trustee of the Nora Webber Trust) to ensure that the NWT understood and were happy that The Cellardyke Trust would be organising the Sea Queen festival, and grants would be used for the purpose given but potentially administered through the new body. Glen stated he was happy with this situation.


Cellardyke phone boxes – Sydney Clare Checkland told the group that the Phone boxes were now in the ownership of the East Neuk Centre Trust and transfer over to the Cellardyke Trust could now take place as the Cellardyke Trust had been established with accreditation from OSCR the Scottish Charities regulator.


  1. Formation of The Cellardyke Trust – RW – stated that we were delighted the Trust was now on the official register of charitable organisations in Scotland as a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation SCIO 049941 . This was so recent the trustees had not had their first meeting to elect office bearers and begin developing the organisation, this was scheduled in the near future. Trustees were Richard Wemyss, Peter Shepherd, Elizabeth Dickson, Jessie Barnett, Catriona Macpherson, Johnny Brown, Sydney Clare Checkland and Nette Carder.

 It was agreed unanimously that all CRA assets including funds would be transferred over to The Cellardyke Trust at the appropriate time to suit the winding down of the CRA.


  1. Treasurer’s Report

Catriona Macpherson reported that with the winding down of the CRA there was little movement in the accounts with the income being held mainly designated Sea Queen funds and a core sum of around £1500 carried over from previous membership income. It was agreed that insurances should come out of CRA general funds.

 7. Silverdykes Liaison Committee

Glen Jones gave an in-depth report on the Committee and its work to date

Section 75       -           the committee which meets every two months is set up to consist of

3 members of the CRA, 3 Members of the community council, Gerald Cooper as Silverdykes residents’ representative. Cllr Bill Porteous, Muir Homes as minute takers and a representative from Fife Council


  • Ramp at Bankie Park
  • Electric Car Charging points – do not meet the criteria
  • Dreelside Play area - £15 000 awared
  • Crawhill woodland path – lengthy discussions on going
  • Disabled path to the Cellardyke/ Kilrenny War memorial
  • St Ayles Play area
  • History Wall on Windmill Rd to take all information from the recently erected towns history boards.
  • Replacement Slide at the Cellardyke pool playpark

 It is unknown if money is left from the initial tranche. The final £100k is expected to be released to Fife Council on the completion of the sale of the last house possibly in about 4 months time.


Glen then reported on the recent meeting where a presentation had been made by Sydney Clare Checkland and others regarding the common good lands at the Town’s Green and the development of them

The proposal would include tree planting, an outdoor gym, work on the paths and seating.

Glen outlined factors to be taken into consideration, such as the Council not maintaining the escarpment, the steepness of the slopes there for tree planting, services underneath some areas such as water pipes. The ownership and lease of some of the land related to the East Neuk Outdoors business.

The SLC felt that there would need to be a community consultation process on the proposal before any decision was made.

There were no questions from the floor.


8. Chris Oliver - Karen Penny: The Penny Rolls on - Walking Britain and Ireland for                                                       Alzheimer’s Research –

the group agreed that if Chris wanted some publicity or support nearer the time, once he had exact dates he could approach the group with specific requests to be looked at.


8 . Any Other Business


George Walker asked about the continuation of the CRA Website and its relationship to any web presence for the Cellardyke Trust. Richard replied that as the trust hadn’t yet met it was too early to understand what type of web presence the new Trust would have, but wished to thank George for his work on the existing website. The group asked that George would continue to maintain the current website as it was and things would become clearer we would discuss with him what the future of that site was.


Glen Jones asked that the group send their best wishes to Johnny Brown in his absence.

9. Date and Time of Next meeting : It was decided not to make a firm arrangement for the next meeting until it was clear when the Chair and secretary would be available again.


The Meeting finished at 7.45


CRA AGM Thursday 24th Sept 2020


Cellardyke Residents Association


Thirteenth Annual General Meeting


Thursday 24th September 2020



The meeting was held virtually using Zoom, due to Scottish Government regulations regarding Covid-19

Present at the meeting:  

Paul Lewis, Richard Wemyss, Elizabeth Dickson, Mary Thomson, Catriona Macpherson, Glenn Jones, Diana Sykes, Nette Carder

  1. Apologies for absence

 Apologies were received from Chris Oliver, George Walker, Laurie and Lynn Smith

 Tribute to John Brown, late Chairman of the Cellardyke Residents Association

 Richard Wemyss paid tribute to John Brown, Chairman of the CRA, who sadly passed away at the end of April 2020. John’s devotion to Cellardyke anditshistory was well known. His passing is a sad loss, and his contribution to Cellardyke will be missed both now, and into the future.

Glenn Jones also paid tribute to John Brown. John’s commitment to Cellardyke was well known. The Cellardyke Interpretation Boards - which are well read and used - would not be there without his tenacity and hard work.

  1. Minutes of the AGM held on Tuesday 17th September 2019

Page 2, third paragraph : Borough Collection should be spelt Burgh Collection.

With this correction, the minutes were agreed as a corrected record.

This was proposed by Catriona Macpherson & seconded by Elizabeth Dickson.

3.    There were no matters arising from the minutes that were not on the Agenda.

4.   Election of the Officers to the Cellardyke Residents Association


Glenn Jones was proposed as Chairman by Nette Carder and seconded by Elizabeth Dickson. He was duly elected as Chairman.

Paul Lewis was proposed as Vice Chairman by Nette Carder and seconded by Diana Sykes. He was duly elected as Vice-Chairman.

Nette Carder was proposed as Secretary by Catriona Macpherson and seconded by Glenn Jones. She was duly elected as Secretary.

Catriona Macpherson was proposed as Treasurer by Diana Sykes and seconded by Elizabeth Dickson. She was duly elected as Treasurer.

The new officers having been duly elected, Glenn Jones took over the Chairmanship of the meeting from Richard Wemyss, previous Vice-chairman, who had chaired the meeting in the absence of a Chairman.

Glenn set out a brief history of the Cellardyke Residents Association and was pleased to finish the job that was the aim of the original CRA. He congratulated the Cellardyke Trust on its establishment.

5.   Report on CRA Activities and proposed way forward


The report was previously circulated. Nette Carder presented the report and set out the position. In summary:

With the establishment of The Cellardyke Trust, which would undertake arts and heritage activities, the Sea Queen funds would transfer to the Cellardyke Trust, which also now owned the two telephone boxes.

The remaining CRA Funds which had been received for floral work would pass to the Royal Burgh of Kilrenny, Anstruther, & Cellardyke Community Council, which had an active group of volunteers. These funds would be spent in Cellardyke.

The CRA would continue and continue to be a key member of the Silverdykes Liaison Committee. In addition, the CRA would continue to lay a wreath on armistice day. Elizabeth Dickson noted that it was John Brown’s wish that the Sea Queen/s would lay the wreath - an idea that was supported by those present, if possible. Clearly, Covid-19 guidelines would need to be followed. The idea of having a wreath that was not made of plastic - but was suitably designed for remembrance - was discussed and supported. Catriona and Paul agreed to finalise the details outside of the meeting. It was also agreed that a donation of £70 from the remaining CRA funds to Poppy Scotland (if the wreath was not bought from them), in remembrance of Cellardyke people who had lost their lives in war, was also agreed.

The report was noted and agreed.

6. Treasurers Report


The report was previously circulated. Catriona presented the report and set out the position, which was as set out in the Report on CRA activities. She would organise the transfer of funds to The Cellardyke Trust and the Community Council. The CRA would have enough residual funds to carry out its activities. The report was noted and agreed.

Report appended.

7.   Silverdykes Liaison Committee Report


Glenn Jones presented his report, (Report appended) and set out the history of the CRA and the Silverdykes Liaison Committee. His report is attached to these minutes for information. He also updated the AGM :

It is his understanding that the development may now be complete, and the payment of the final £100,000 may soon be requested. The Muir fund monies - which were gained as a result of the lobbying by the CRA - had been used for a variety of projects to enhance the open space leisure provision in Cellardyke. He also paid tribute to the staff of Fife Council who had been so helpful throughout the process, especially Alan Bisset, who sadly passed away in August, aged just 55.

The disabled swing and the replacement of the slide at the end of Cellardyke, by the old bathing pool, were now out to tender. The priority for the remaining monies would be for amenities in the East end of Cellardyke. Glenn had had initial conversations with the residents at the top and bottom of the brae who were happy to see improvements to the landscaping, but expressed a view that more active facilities should begin on the shore east of the housing. There would need to be full consultation on any proposals and also to seek ideas for improvements. The monies needed to be spent on ‘open space leisure provision’.

Given that the last house may now have been sold, the funds could be paid to Fife Council sooner, rather than later.

It was very much acknowledged that the CRA could no longer be considered a representative body and that wide consultation would be necessary to ensure an effective spend of the monies that would be supported by the community.

8. Chairman’s Closing Remarks


Glenn noted that the current role and position of the CRA was as the ‘Continuity CRA’ - finishing the work that had been started so many years ago.

Glenn also wished the Cellardyke Trust all the best for the future.

9. There was no other business.

10. The date for the next meeting was set as :

Thursday 12th November 2020 at 7.30pm.


It is anticipated that this meeting will be held virtually by Zoom.

SLC Report

The CRA began in 2007 as a voice for Cellardyke Residents over the plans for the new Silverdykes Development. Over the following years, an enormous effort went into presenting the community's case in the media and at the reporter's appeal hearing. Following this, improvements were made to the original plan. In 2012 the Silverdykes Liaison Committee was set up to advise Fife Council on the spending of the £400,000 to be paid by Muir Homes to recompense the community for the lack of open space green land in the new development.   The funds were to be spent on open air leisure provision on public land which can be maintained by Fife Council. The SLC consists of 3 members of the CRA, 3 from the Community Council, a councillor, and a representative each of Fife Council and Muir Homes. Additionally, it was determined that up to 3 co-opted members could be invited according to requirements. The SLC meets every second month, though this year, although with the Covid lockdown, no meetings were held between April and October. In August, the committee were very saddened to learn of the death of Alan Bisset, of Fife Council Parks department, who had been of great help to the community and to the SLC.

One of the highlights of the SLC year was the erection of the Cellardyke Notice Boards, funded through the SLC, the fruits of many years of dedicated hard work by CRA chairman John Brown, whose untimely passing was a great loss to the community.

During the summer, I continued to liaise with Ian Wilson, the SLC's Fife Council representative, who is currently putting out to tender the replacement slide and a disabled swing for Cellardyke Park, both requested by the community, and delayed by the lockdown. Iain is liaising with Fife Parks maintenance over suggestions to landscape the areas of the Braehead and Toon's Green which are to be "rewilded" by Fife council. The SLC will also recommend to Fife Council the refurbishment and/or reconstruction of the pathways on the Brae, and the approaches to the War Memorial.   A proposal was received and subsequently withdrawn for a Cellardyke Recreation Park, part of which will nonetheless by actioned as just described.

Currently, almost all of the initial £300,000 has been allocated by Fife Council on the recommendations from the community gathered by the SLC. Full details are on the anstruther.info website, and on its facebook page, as are the criteria for acceptable proposals, and forms for submitting them. These were created by the SLC, there being no guidelines in existence when we set out in 2012. The completion of the Silverdykes development is now imminent, and with it the payment of the final tranche of £100,000, for which the SLC will be seeking proposals. Much has already been allocated to the wider Commmunity Council area, and it is the view of the CRA members of the SLC that is now time to focus on the improvement of leisure facilities in the one remaining green area for Cellardyke, that area between the start of the Toon's Green and Kilrenny Mill Holiday Park. This, we propose, will be the focus of the continuity CRA, once the Cellardyke Trust has separated to promote the culture, history and identity of the village.

Currently, the CRA is represented on the SLC by Glenn Jones, Paul Lewis and Dorothea Cargil Thompson, who are all willing to continue and complete the work of the SLC.

Glenn Jones

Chairman, SLC

24th September 2020.


CRA Accounts for 31st August 2020


CRA Accounts.jpg





Thursday 12th November 2020 at 7.30 pm

Held virtually by Zoom


In attendance: Glenn Jones (Chair), Paul Lewis (Vice Chair), Nette Carder (Secretary and minutes), Diana Sykes, Richard Wemyss, Catherine Wilson, Dorothea Cargill-Thomson, Steve Liscoe.


Catriona Macpherson attended the meeting briefly.


  1. Apologies for absence received:


Chris Oliver, David Corstorphine, Stella Hunter, Elizabeth Dickson


2. Minutes of the previous meeting held on 24th September


The minutes were approved, with the caveat that this meeting was also the AGM, so the minutes may be represented at the 2021 AGM.


3. Matters arising from the minutes : There were no matters arising


4. Update on Silverdykes Liaison Committee


Glenn Jones thanked all who were continuing with the CRA, which was now focussed on the Silverdykes Liaison Committee. The SLC membership includes x3 CRA members and x2 Community Council members, as well as Fife Council and Muir Homes. Glenn is the Chairman.


The Liaison Committee is not an executive body. Rather it considers proposals from the community - either individual or group suggestions - and recommends them. The work of the Committee has been disrupted by lockdown, however the new Fife Council parks representative Iain Wilson had been very helpful. Glenn noted the untimely death of his predecessor, Alan Bisset, who had made a significant contribution to the work of the SLC.


£400,000 was payable in total as part of the Section 75 agreement covering the Silverdykes development, of which £300,000 has been paid over by Muir Homes to Fife Council, who are responsible for the spend and for organising the works. The last £100,000 will be paid when the last house is sold. The monies are for “open space leisure facilities” which are accessible to all and can be maintained by the Council. As recommended projects sometimes underspend or do not come to fruition, there may also be funds available from the funds that have already been allocated. Glenn is checking out how much is left from the existing funds.


Two proposals are currently out to tender - a swing for children of restricted mobility, and a replacement slide, both for Cellardyke Park. Work has not started on the agreed works at Dreelside Play Park and arrangements are being made to support disabled access to the War Memorial, working with a local landowner.


Other proposals which have been previously approved include: A picnic table/bench with disabled access in Bankie Park adjacent to Ladywalk Home, and the interpretation boards for Kilrenny.


A wide ranging proposal was received for recreational development on the land at the end of Cellardyke, but was later withdrawn. Part of that proposal is incorporated in the proposal circulated by Glenn - which includes repairs to the paths on the Toon’s Green and general improvement of that area.


Glenn will confirm when the final tranche of £100,000 will be paid.


5. Treasurer’s Report


This was presented by the Secretary in the absence of the Treasurer.


Following the AGM, the CRA had £3277.69 in the Bank and £80.52 as petty cash.

As previously agreed, £884.77 was paid to the Community Council as the CRA was no longer co-ordinating any floral work; £2128.04 was paid to the Cellardyke Trust as Sea Queen monies, as the Sea Queen is now the responsibility of the Cellardyke Trust. This left £264.88 in CRA funds.


The only expenditure so far as been a £70 donation to Poppy Scotland, in lieu of purchasing a wreath. It was agreed that a more sustainable wreath would be made this year, although the CRA would also donate to Poppy Scotland.


This leaves a sum of £194.88 in the bank, with £80.52 in petty cash.


In addition, the CRA had recently been notified by Fife Council that:


“Due to the closure of the Flowers in Perpetuity Non-Settlement Trust fund I am delighted to inform you that all ‘in Bloom’ groups in North East Fife are to receive an additional one-off payment of £873.58 this year.”


After some discussion about the co-ordination of floral work, the CRA’s decision not to co-ordinate floral work was reaffirmed and it was agreed to pass these funds (£873.58) to the Community Council for Floral work in Cellardyke.


Issues regarding broken/decaying tubs and future planting could be raised with the Community Council by individual members of the CRA, acting as individuals. The email of the Community Council is: anstruthercommunitycouncil@gmail.com


6. CRA Proposal for restoring and landscaping the Toon’s Green area of Cellardyke


The proposal had been previously circulated to CRA members and is for the restoration of paths and steps and planting of escarpment slopes at The Town’s Green, East End, Cellardyke. It particularly affects people living at both the top and bottom of the hill and Glenn has already discussed it with residents there, and those consulted are in support.


It is clear that local residents do not wish fixed leisure equipment (eg. a picnic table, or play equipment) adjacent to houses and that trees should be low growing and not block views. The current cut grass areas above and below the slopes will stay as they are. It is important that the work is undertaken as the paths, steps and the area are deteriorating. Glenn will work with Fife Council parks department to ensure it fits with their maintenance criteria - and also to obtain definitive costs.


The proposal was supported by the CRA meeting. It will be considered at the next Silverdykes Liaison Committee meeting on 12th December.


As part of the discussion, the question of a memorial for John Brown was raised. Richard Wemyss informed the CRA that John’s family had already raised a considerable amount for a bench. In addition, the Cellardyke Trust was considering a proposal for a semi-circular stone bench/enclosure on the shore level at the end of Cellardyke (near East Neuk Outdoors). This could be a proposal that could be put to the Silverdykes Liaison Committee when fully worked up.


The SLC will be going back to the community for ideas as to how to spend the remaining funds in due course.


Richard mentioned that in 2025 it will be the 150th Anniversary of the loss of 5 fishing boats - three from St Monans and two from Cellardyke - and a joint project may be organised to commemorate these losses.


Glenn drew the attention of the meeting to the Norah Webber Trust, which is a local charity which gives grants to local projects, particularly those that assist the young and the old.


6 . Any Other Business


No items were raised.


7. Date and Time of Next meeting :


11th February 2021 at 7.30pm.


The meeting will be held by Zoom, due to Covid-19 restrictions.