Minutes of Meeting held on Tuesday 7th February 2017 at The Haven, Cellardyke 

The Chairman, Glenn Jones, extended a warm welcome to everyone present.

Present: Glenn Jones (Chair), Dorothea Cargill Thompson, Paul Lewis, Steve Liscoe, Allan McLelland (Treasurer), George Walker and Catherine Wilson (Secretary).

Apologies for absence: A record of these is held on electronic file.

1. Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 6th December 2016 were approved as a correct record of the meeting, Proposed by Allan McLelland and seconded by Dorothea Cargill Thompson.  

2. Matters Arising

Paul was thanked for producing a written account of his talk to the meeting on the Burgh Survey. This had been posted on the CRA website.

3. Updates on key local projects

(a)    Historic Cellardyke (Sea Queen Festival): Catherine reported briefly on progress by the small committee working on the planning of a Sea Queen Festival in 2018, as relayed to her by John Brown. Morag Findlay had now joined the group. adding to its areas of expertise.   They were aiming for a ceremony which would be a development of the old ceremony in terms of the use of modern technology, such as the use of a good PA system, etc. However, it would be faithful to the traditions of the original ceremony (1948), but involve more people and different areas within the community. The next steps would include making decisions about basic issues such as the date (to fit with tide times).  The selection procedures for the Sea Queen herself would be more transparent and egalitarian and the ceremony would have rather more ‘gravitas’ and aim to be a celebration of the sea.  The ‘four’ felt that they needed to make a little more progress before making a presentation to interested parties and possible helpers.

(b)   Interpretation Boards: John had now had a meeting with Chris Smith of the Fife Council Planning Department and this had proved to be very helpful. The planning application(s) would not need to go through the Community Council.   Some special large-scale OS maps would be needed for the identification of locations in the formal application and as these would be expensive some CRA funding might be sought.

Paul questioned the proposed location of one of the boards, on James Street, fearing that it might block some of the light to the main window of the house adjacent to the site. It was agreed that this concern should be forwarded to John.

(c)    Silverdykes Liaison Committee: Glenn gave an update on applications for funding. A second grant of £50K had been recommended to Fife Council for the second phase of developing the Safe Cycle Route. and this would allow for an application for matched funding (from elsewhere) to be made. It would still leave £88K for other projects although £20K was to be allocated for a project to provide improved play equipment at Billowness.

With a further tranche of funds to become available in due time, an application for funding for the Sea Queen Festival and associated celebrations should be given due consideration. It was not certain, however, that this would readily meet the criteria of open space leisure provision, and so would require careful drafting. There were a few other possible applications in the pipeline, including one for £6.5K for a telescope for AnstrutherHarbour.   Questions were raised about the siting of this given the obstruction of the view by the harbour wall and the problems of disabled access if the telescope were to be mounted on a platform. A development involving some landscaping at Watery Butts, from Claire Docherty, was also anticipated.

Dorothea spoke of the need for improved access to the East Baes and for more seats and, perhaps, tables. This led to some discussion about the ownership, and responsibility for upkeep of the trackway along the braes. Steve promised to look into both these issues. Dorothea indicated that she would draft an application for funds to improve access to and facilities for the area.    

4. Floral Cellardyke

(a)  Fund-raising Coffee Morning: It was noted that the Coffee Morning to raise funds for floral work in the area had raised £450. CRA members were thanked for their various contributions. It was noted that it had been a good collaborative exercise. At this stage, there was no indication of how the proceeds might be split.

Comment was made on the poor state of maintenance of the ChalmersGarden and it was noted that the Town Centre Working Party which had been responsible for the development of the garden, had been disbanded. It was pointed out that Fife Council was now responsible for the upkeep.   Nevertheless, it was agreed that the matter should be raised at the next Anstruther and Cellardyke in Bloom meeting.

(b) Report back from Anstruther and Cellardyke in Bloom meeting (06/02/17): Catherine gave a brief report on the meeting that had taken place the previous evening. A wide range of issues had been discussed, including the desirability, or not, of having similar floral displays, or similar standard of floral displays at the three entrances to the town. It had been noted that the work which would need to be done at the corner of Windmill Road and Crail Road in connection with the development of the Safe Cycle Route gave the opportunity to do some landscaping at that corner. It was agreed that the CRA should seek further information about what this might involve. (NB The next meeting of the group will be held on 27th March at 1930 hrs)

(c)  Still looking for volunteers:  There was no progress to report!

5. Other miscellaneous issues

(a) Treasurer’s Report: Allan presented a report covering the period 1st December 2016 to 31st January 2017.       Working capital at the end of the period amounted to £1931.65 (£8.31 cash in hand and £1923.34 in the bank).

(b) Complaint re behaviour of customers of the Coastal Inn: A resident of John Street living close to the Inn had written to the Association to report on her considerable unhappiness about the noise from The Coastal Inn and the alleged behaviour of its customers outside the pub. The latter included the vandalizing of the small garden at the telephone kiosk opposite the Town Hall, although there was no evidence that the customers of the Inn were responsible for this. Enquiries of other residents in the area had not substantiated the complaint. After some discussion, it was agreed that the complainant should be advised to keep a diary of the problem and then to speak with the owners on the basis of this evidence. If there were to be no satisfactory outcome, the matter should then be taken to the police and/or the local councillor.

In the interim, it was agreed that money should be offered for replacement of the plants at the kiosk and thanks recorded for the work done in the past with encouragement for this to be continued.

(c) A Burns Supper for 2018: After some discussion, it was agreed that the possibility of a Supper in 2018 should be explored with regard to the availability of David Barnett as the caterer. Possible dates would be 20th January or 3rd February. If the usual catering arrangements could be secured for one or other of these dates, Glenn and Allan agreed that they would consider acting as Programme Organiser and Business Manager respectively for one more year.

(d) Noticeboard at the Corner Shop: Allan reported that having explored, but without success, the possibility of a replacement sign being made locally, he was now recommending the purchase of a new board – John from the shop was happy with this recommendation - which was approved.

(e)  Relocation of service to the new Waid buildings: It was noted that the library and the local Fife Office were to be relocated to the new Waid. The possibility of the Burgh Collection being house in the space left was mentioned – but the rental might be significant.

(f)  Digitisation of photos at the Fisheries Museum: It was noted that this process was in hand.


It was noted that there was an increase in dog-fouling in the area. More notices in the area were needed and Environmental Services were to be contacted in this regard.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at half past eight.           


Minutes of Meeting held on Tuesday 4th April 2017 at The Haven, Cellardyke

The Chairman, Glenn Jones, extended a warm welcome to everyone present, especially to Jemma Wycherley, attending her first meeting and to Chris Oliver, making a welcome return.

Present: Glenn Jones (Chair), John Brown, Dorothea Cargill Thompson, Paul Lewis, Allan McLelland (Treasurer), Chris Oliver, Catherine Wilson (Secretary) and Jemma Wycherley.

Apologies for absence: A record of these is held on electronic file.

1. Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 4th February were approved as a correct record of the meeting. Proposed by Allan McLelland and seconded by Paul Lewis.  

2. Matters Arising

(i) Allan was thanked for purchasing and installing the new noticeboard at the Corner Shop.

(ii) It was noted that the Waid (and other Council facilities) would be moving to its new premises in May/June, freeing space at the East Neuk Centre some of which would be let to the Burgh Collection for a very reasonable rent

3. Updates on key local projects

(a) Historic Cellardyke (Sea Queen Festival): John (Brown) spoke to a tabled paper on progress with the planning of the Sea Queen Festival. (A copy of the paper will be circulated with the minutes.) He provided a good amount of detailed information, emphasising that what was planned was a ceremony which would be a development of the old ceremony keeping to many of the traditions, but with enhancements which would give the event a greater degree of gravitas. Also, it would involve more people, including people from throughout the burgh, the local church and some historic boats. His account was impressive both with regard to what had been achieved in thinking through the many facets of the event, and what was planned.  He reported that the event was scheduled for 14th July 2018, 2018 being the 70th anniversary of the first Sea Queen Fesrtival. The aim of the four on the planning group was now to engage willing helpers some of whom who had already registered their interest. John foresaw a group of 20 being brought together in the relatively short term, through personal contacts, and for this to extended to twice the number in due time.

With regard to the costs of the whole exercise various sources of possible funding were identified – the Norah Webber Trust (of which Glenn indicated he was a trustee), the Community Kist, Section 75 funding for elements of the project which would be of long term benefit of the community, etc. John also outlined a programme for publicising the project to the wider community.      

(b) Interpretation Boards: John, changing hats, spoke of his most recent meeting with Chris Smith of the Fife Council Planning Department, commenting that this had proved to be very helpful. A further meeting was planned for the following week. While it had now been agreed that one planning application only would be needed by the Planning Department, special large scale maps would be needed for each location. These had now been ordered. Chris Smith had agreed to put together maps and photos for the application while John worked on the basic concepts of the project with illustrations and draft text for the seven (?) Cellardyke boards. Chris Smith would provide what help he could as an intermediary. The scope and detailed content for the boards would be developed once planning permission had been granted. The boards would carry QR codes, have more illustrations than words and would be more people/social history oriented than some existing boards in the area.

Some questions were raised about the exact positioning of the boards and some of the technical production specs.

In due time four boards would be developed for Kilrenny.    

(c) Silverdykes Liaison Committee: Glenn provided an update with some commentary on applications for funding, namely:

(i) the development to green space at Mayview Avenue to form a community garden area with educational equipment for children, and using natural/eco resources. As planning permission would probably be needed, the committee were to ask the proposer to consult with other residents before progressing the proposal.

(ii) the improvement of paths, on either side of Pickford Crescent, leading to the War Memorial. As it was believed that the ‘Waur’ Path would be improved as part of the Safe Cycle Route Project, it was decided that this proposal should be put on hold. (There was some uncertainty expressed about the development of the cycle path in this particular area.) Another aspect of this proposal was to provide picnic tables, seats in the area and an information board* on the grass near to the War Memorial. (* A silhouette view/panoramic ‘location identifier’) Again the SLC was of the view that public consultation might be needed as planning permission would have to be applied for. The proposal needed further development.

(iii) the siting of a telescope at Anstruther Harbour. While interest had been shown in supporting this proposal, no decision had been reached as at present as the Council was checking whether the proposal met the terms and conditions of Section 75, and on some other issues connected with the installation.

(iv) repair of bridges at Crawhill Community Woodland. This proposal had been received some time back. It was reported that Fife Council had now agreed to the repairs at a cost of £6000 +VAT. The SLC agreed to this cost.

(v) improvements to Billowness swing park. In the light of this proposal, Fife Council had drawn up a plan for the development of the swing park. The committee agreed to the funding of a ‘trim trail’(?) for children, a basket swing and a picnic table.

(vi) Windmill Court swing park. The Committee had agreed that the proposed improvements to this area should be submitted to Fife Council.

(vii) Outdoor table tennis tables. The response to the proposal for three concrete tables to be located in the area had been to agree initially to the placing of a table in Bankie Park, with its use being monitored before any decision on the placement of other two tables.

With regard to the progress of building within the development, Glenn reported the following statistics:

Private housing: 140 completed + 3 more reserved

Fife Council houses 57                  

Kingdom Housing Association 44 giving total of 101 affordable housing.

Glenn concluded his report with a comment on how hard the committee had worked to progress the spending on Section 75 funding to its current state.

4. Floral Cellardyke

(a) Grant from Fife Council: Catherine reported that the CRA had received a grant of £229 from Fife Council while other organisations based on Anstruther had received £150. It was noted that the local awarding committee had recognised the multiple applications from within the one community.

(b)  Floral displays in Cellardyke: There was a brief report from the meeting of the recent Anstruther and Cellardyke in Bloom at which there had been discussions about improving the floral displays at the entrances to the town (Anstruther and Cellardyke) from the north and from the east. Changes to the display at the top of Windmill Road could be necessitated when the Safe Cycle route was pushed through there. This would give an opportunity for some re-design, but the timing of the work was not known. For the CRA – and Kate in particular - this made it difficult to decide whether to undertake all the work associated with maintaining the displays. After some discussion, CRA members concluded that it would be better if the boat were to be moved to a new location, such as where the potato boxes were currently, especially as the boxes were beginning to fall apart. Kate also recommended that the tubs currently on the ‘platform’ in John Street should be re located to the Toon Green area or near to the playpark at the bathing pool, as they were barely visible in their current location and the Council was no longer caring for the flower beds near the Toon Green.

(c)    Still looking for volunteers: The question of what was required of volunteers interested in adopting tubs was raised. Kate indicated that Helen Allen was mobilising a team to care for displays in the Toon Green area. She also reported that Gordon Craig was ‘bringing on’ plants destined for Cellardyke in his greenhouse. With a view to providing volunteers with access to more plants, Paul indicated that he would write to Dobbies and supermarkets in St Andrews to see if the CRA could be supplied with plants from their stocks which otherwise would go to waste. Chris volunteered to write in similar vein to the MD of Dobbies who was known to him.

5. Other miscellaneous issues

(a) Treasurer’s Report: Allan presented a report covering the period 1st February to 31st March 2017. Working capital at the end of the period amounted to £1827.70 (£24.31 cash in hand and £1803.39 in the bank). A donation of £20 for floral work from the Wycherleys was acknowledged with appreciation.

Allan reported that he would be purchasing compost for the tubs round the community.

(b) Burns Supper for 2018: Glenn expressed the hope that a Supper would be organised again in 2018. He was prepared to organise speakers, Catherine had agreed to organise some musicians – or at least to try to do so – and Allan had agreed to act as ‘business manager’ for one more year. It was agreed that the most suitable date would be 3rd February. Caterers to be approached, were, in order of preference, Barnetts, La Petite Epicerie and the caterers from the Harbour Café in Elie.

(d)    Noticeboard at the Corner Shop: It was noted that the new notice board was in place and looked good. Allan was thanked for his work in purchasing the board and putting it up. It was agreed that some new notices were needed drawing attention to the Association’s plans for the future. (Allan and John (from the Corner Shop) are the key holders for the board.)

(e)    Dog Fouling: Paul agreed to write to the Council to ask for more notices to be put up, for more monitoring of the problem and for the dog warden to be seen more often in the area.

(f) Citizen of the Year Award: No-one had any information about when the winner of the award would be announced.   (Secretary’s note: The announcement will be made at a special event being organised by the Community Council for Monday, 24th April. Glenn and Lorna Jones, jointly, are one of the four nominations made to the Council.)


(a) It was noted that Elizabeth Riches would be standing down as a councillor this year. All agreed that she had a wonderful record and it was also agreed that a letter of thanks for all she had done should be sent from the CRA, and a bouquet of flowers. (Catherine to organise)

(b) Glenn reminded the assembled company that as from the time of the Association’s AGM in September, the four principal officers would be standing down. He suggested that there were three alternatives for the future running of the Association, namely (i) it continue as currently IF replacement officers were to come forward; (ii) it fold; and (iii) the constitution be reconsidered to see if the organisation could continue as a form of holding group.

Kate indicated that she would be willing to take on the role of Treasurer. Chris then indicated that he would take over as Chair if no-one else was prepared to do so and Paul indicated that he would be willing to serve as an officer at some future date. John Brown recommended that specific people be asked to take on particular roles – in this case, Secretary and Vice Chairman (and webmaster).

(c) Paul raised a question about the car parking areas beyond the swimming pool. It was noted that the furthest of these areas belonged to Kilrenny Mill.

(d) Paul also raised a question about progress in producing a booklet which was to be the outcome of the Archaeological Survey of the area. Publication was now overdue, according to the original schedule. Catherine agreed to write to Rathmell Archaeology Ltd, the project managers, for an update. 

There being no further business, the meeting closed a little before 9.00 pm.        


Minutes of Meeting held on Tuesday 6th June 2017 at The Haven, Cellardyke

The Chairman, Glenn Jones, extended his usual warm welcome to everyone present.

Present: Glenn Jones (Chair), John Brown, Dorothea Cargill Thompson, Steve Liscoe, Allan McLelland (Treasurer), Kate Shearer, Diana Sykes, Mary Thomson, and Catherine Wilson (Secretary)

Apologies for absence: A record of these is held on electronic file.

1. Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 4th April were approved as a correct record of the meeting. Proposed by Allan McLelland and seconded by John Brown.  

2. Matters Arising

Catherine reported that she had arranged for flowers to be sent to Elizabeth Riches at the end of her period of office as a County Councillor and had received a lovely letter of thanks, which she would have brought to the meeting had Catherine remembered the safe place in which she had put it!

3. Updates on key local projects

(a) Historic Cellardyke (Sea Queen Festival): John (Brown) spoke on progress with the planning of the Sea Queen Festival. He referred to the public meeting which had been held in May, a report of which had been circulated with the papers. He had anticipated a rather bigger attendance but had been pleased at the enthusiasm of those who did attend and their creative ideas. A number of those attending had agreed to join an enhanced planning group.

The possibility of extending the celebrations had been discussed but some of the ideas had been found to be impracticable with the 2018 ceremony in mind – but might be explored for future years. A small group had been formed to raise money for the ceremony through coffee mornings and the like. Another small group – Morag and George Findlay and John Smith - would look after arrangements for the parade. The support of the Community Council was being sought with regard to Health and Safety issues.

The matter of the handling the financial side was being considered: possibly funds could be held by the KACC or by the CRA if the CRA continues to operate as currently. In the latter case, then Kate would be in control and the view was expressed that this option would be the preferred one.

At this point discussion digressed to the consideration of the future of the CRA if not in its current form. The Chair agreed to look at the current constitution of the CRA to see how it might be amended should the Association become a parent group and fund holder for local projects.

John indicated that the ‘original four’ and the sub-group would meet within four weeks to decide on the scope of the ceremony in the light of recent discussions.

(b) Interpretation Boards: Having visited Tantallon Castle and seen the quality of the boards there, John had contacted Scottish Heritage and been put in touch with Westmorland Signs International, a company which specialises in wayfinding signs and heritage signs. George Read, the founder and MD had offered very good advice. The company would be able to take the development of the boards from words and illustrations provided, through design and manufacture to installation – for a cost of approximately £1000 per board.

John also reported progress on the planning front. Chris Smith had proved to be very helpful and the planning application, with photographs of the proposed locations, maps and a letter of support from KACC, etc, was now posted on the Fife Council Planning website.

John indicated that he would apply to the Silverdykes Liaison Committee for additional funds.  

(c) Silverdykes Liaison Committee: Glenn reported on various issues, including an update of applications for funding, with some commentary on their feasibility or otherwise.

With regard to the land at the side of the pathway from Taeping Close towards the Skeith Medical Centre, Muir Homes was denying all responsibility for this having taken legal advice. Maintenance was the responsibility of the neighbouring houses (Nos 12 and 13). The hope was expressed that once the cycle path had been finished, its maintenance might include the land either side.

The second tranche of Section 75 funding (£150K) has now been paid to Fife Council. (The third tranche of £100K would be payable once the last property had been sold.)  

With regard to the applications for funding, Glenn reported the following:

(i) the development to green space at Mayview Avenue to form a community garden area with educational equipment for children, and using natural/eco resources. Consultation with neighbours, necessary for planning purposes, indicated several objections and so the proposal would go no further.

(ii) the improvement of paths, on either side of Pickford Crescent, leading to the War Memorial. The ownership of the land beyond the bollards had been brought into question. Local consultation had revealed that some neighbours were NOT in favour of picnic tables. Because of uncertainty over ownership of the land, the application was being held in abeyance. If the erection of a panoramic view and landmark indicator board was to be pursued, then a specific proposal would be needed. Such a Board might be sited to the east of the War Memorial.

(iii) the siting of a telescope at Anstruther Harbour. The reaction to this proposal had been generally favourable but planning permission would be needed before financial support could be considered. While interest had been shown in supporting this proposal, no decision had been reached as at present as the Council was checking whether the proposal met the terms and conditions of Section 75, and on some other issues connected with the installation.

(iv) the installation of Portaloos at Bankie Park. Fife Council had ruled that Section 75 funding could not be used for temporary structures. As portaloos are needed in the short term, Glenn indicated that the Norah Webber Trust had stepped in to grant the £1,100.00 shortfall.  (It was noted that Fife Council was planning to install toilets in the longer term.)

(v) landscaping at the entrance to Anstruther on the St Andrews road. £2500 was to be allocated towards the cost of this. (The wish was expressed that a similar sum might be allocated to landscaping at the entrance to Cellardyke on the Crail once it was clearer what the impact of the development of the cycle path at the Windmill Road corner would be.

With regard to the play area to be developed within the Silverdykes development, Glenn reported that the equipment had now been ordered but that installation would take 8 – 12 weeks, so that the area would not be ready for the start of the summer break. There had been a question about public access to the area.

The next meeting of the Liaison Committee was scheduled for 3rd August.

(d) Safe cycle routes: The progress report from Elizabeth Riches which had been circulated with the meeting papers was noted. It was also noted that Sustrans had circulated a (rather oddly worded) questionnaire about cycle tracks to households in the area.

4. Floral Cellardyke

Kate confirmed that she was going ahead with all the necessary planting, as and when the weather permitted such activity. The major outstanding task was the planting up of the boat at the corner of Windmill Road and Crail Road, now that it was clear that no work on the cycle patch was to be undertaken there in the foreseeable future. Various people had given or offered plants and Paul’s approach to supermarkets in St Andrews and Leven had had some success, a total of £50 in vouchers having been given. As ever, Allan had undertaken maintenance work on the tubs etc and care of the displays at Pickford Crescent.  

It was noted that there had been no allocation of money from the second fund-raising Coffee Morning had been received by the CRA.

It was also noted that the judges for the Beautiful Fife Awards would be visiting Anstruther/Cellardyke in the afternoon on 26th July. Allan was asked if he would continue with his compilation of photographs of Cellardyke displays and to include photos of ‘Jean’s area’.  

5. Other miscellaneous issues

(a) Treasurer’s Report: Allan presented a report covering the period 1st April to 31st May 2017. Working capital at the end of the period amounted to £2315.94 (£3.31 cash in hand and £2182.63 in the bank) but overall the account was running at a deficit.  Glenn reminded the committee that the money from the Burns Supper account could be used for costs, as it had been  raised to help fund the work of the CRA.

It was suggested that some of the Floral Account balance might be used in 2018 to finance a special floral display (and bunting) for the Sea Queen Festival.  

(b) Local Archaeological Survey: Catherine reported that she had written to Rathmell Archaeology Ltd, the project managers, seeking a progress report but had yet to receive a reply. Steve indicated that he would follow up the matter with Peter Klemen. His understanding was that a book would be published as would a leaflet/guide to the graveyard which has been excavated. (Secretary’s note: A reply has now been received, the text of which is included as an appendix to the minutes.)

(c) Dog Fouling: Paul reported (In absentia) that he had contacted Fife Council regarding dog fouling in Cellardyke, particularly East & West Forth Streets. Dog Wardens had appeared following day to review the situation and Paul had been given a notice for my fence. He had emphasised that it was an ongoing problem in the area and requested a greater Dog Warden presence in the future, but it was yet to be seen whether further visits would ensue.

(d) Parking in the area and associated problems: John reported that his attention had been drawn recently to cars parking in the grass at the Toon Green as the car parking space at the pool had been full. It was agreed that the Secretary should write to the police about such car parking problems, and copy the missive to the Community Council. However, it was recognised that there were car parking problems throughout Cellardyke and that street parking with large cars was now such that it would be difficult for emergency vehicles to reach certain parts of the community.


(a) Steve reported that he had become aware of a stone wall being knocked down in East Forth Street, a conservation areas and had ascertained that no planning permission had been sought. He had alerted the Enforcement Officer who had come to stop the work, but as soon as he had gone, the work started again – it appeared to be with view to creating an off-road parking space. While retrospective planning permission might be sought, it was unlikely to be given and the wall would probably have to be re-built.

(b) It was noted that the stolen wooden puffin from James Street had been returned and was now fastened down more securely. Use of social media had played a significant role in its recovery

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.05 pm.        

Date of next meeting: The next meeting of the CRA will be held on Tuesday, 1st August 2017 in ‘The Haven’, George Street, Cellardyke starting at 7.15pm. 


30th June 2017

Appendix: Reply from Peter Klemen of Rathmel Archaeology Ltd – 13th June

The current standing on the Burgh Survey is that much to our happiness the finalised copy of the book is at the printers. Everything going well with the print/publication this should hopefully be completed by the end of next week.

Linked with this in March I took one of the P5 classes from Anstruther Primary School on a heritage walk around Anstruther to introduce them to the many interesting features and stories associated with the town.

Further to this, ourselves and a local graphic designer have been working on the final tweaks for a set of graveyard leaflets linked to the Dreel Halls, Anstruther Easter and Kilrenny, a Children's Activity guide for Anstruther and Cellardyke and also an updated Heritage Guide with a linked map showing all the locations of the blue plaques as there was not one of these previously. All of these are in the final stages of being finished and will also be sent to the printers soon.

I hope this provides some detail as the current standing of the project. We had a great time working on this project and with the volunteers and looking to forward to seeing the final copy of the book.

Once again, please accept my biggest apologies for the slow response.

Many thanks.



 Minutes of Meeting held on Tuesday 1st August 2017 at The Haven, Cellardyke

The Chairman, Glenn Jones, extended his usual warm welcome to everyone present.

Present: Glenn Jones (Chair), John Brown, George Walker, Dorothea Cargill Thompson, Steve Liscoe, Pam Moncur, Stella Hunter, Paul Lewis, Allan McLelland (Treasurer), and Kate Shearer.

Apologies for absence: A record of these is held on electronic file.

1. Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 6th June were approved as a correct record of the meeting. Proposed by John Brown, and seconded by Dorothea Cargill Thompson.  

2. Matters Arising

Paul was quizzed on the subject of the visit of the dog wardens as outlined in the previous minutes. It had been observed that people were walking their dogs as far as the beach end of Cellardyke Harbour every day, and it was unlikely that all ‘deposits’ are being cleared up? A discussion ensued on what could be done about the perennial problem, and it was agreed that if calls to Fife Council on incidents are being logged, it may help to emphasise the scale of the problem. Steve to try to establish whether a specific contact exists within Fife Council, and whether calls reporting a problem are logged by Fife Council. In addition, the CRA will write to Fife Council requesting appropriate signage at Cellardyke Harbour.

3. Updates on key local projects

(a) Historic Cellardyke (Sea Queen Festival): John (Brown) spoke on progress with the planning of the Sea Queen Festival.

John indicated that the ‘original four’ and the sub-group would meet in September to decide on the scope of the ceremony in the light of recent discussions.

John to write to Martin Dibley (CC) regarding obtaining public liability insurance for the event.

(b) Interpretation Boards:

John reported progress on the planning front; Fife Council has approved the plans on condition that they are kept informed on the details of materials being used, historical details etc.  

(c) Silverdykes Liaison Committee: Glenn reported that the next meeting of the SLC would take place in 2 days’ time, on Thursday 3rd August. (Update from this meeting to be given at the next CRA meeting.)     Glenn reported that he had had confirmation from Fife Council that the proposed telescope at Anstruther Harbour would meet the criteria for Section 75 funding, and that concrete proposals are awaited.

4. Floral Cellardyke

Kate confirmed that the judging had taken place, and results are awaited.

It was noted that the CRA had been allocated £300 from the second fund-raising Coffee Morning, and that the application for next year’s grant will be submitted in time to meet the deadline of late November.

There was a discussion about the way forward for next year, given that Kate has indicated that this is her last year. Conclusion; much to consider!

5. Other miscellaneous issues

(a) Treasurer’s Report: Allan presented a report covering the period 1st June to 31st July 2017. Working capital at the end of the period amounted to £2150.14 (£31.31 cash in hand and £2118.83 in the bank).

(b) Local Archaeological Survey: Steve reported that there would be a launch of the book produced shortly, and invitations would be sent out. (Subsequent note: the launch would take place at the AIA AGM on 31st August.)

(d) Parking in the area: It had been noticed that cars were being parked blocking access to the slip at Cellardyke Harbour; subject to be mentioned in letter to Fife Council regarding signage at the harbour. (Subsequent note: Stella Hunter had contacted Fife council on both the signage and dog fouling issues, but had received responses which could best be described as dismissive.)

(e) Wall in East Forth Street; Concern was expressed that the owners appear to be totally ignoring the fact that both the demolition and planned entry/exit to East Forth Street, have proceeded without planning consent, and are in contravention of the site’s ‘Conservation Area’ status. The CRA to write to Fife Council emphasising an expectation that Fife Council will take enforcement action; otherwise it will set a dangerous precedent and make nonsense of the ‘Conservation Area’ status. (Subsequent note: several members, including the Chairman, had been in contact with Fife Council planning over this vexatious issue, and had received information from enforcement officer Lyle Smith as to the actions undertaken, including, if instructions to reinstate the wall are not heeded, a legally enforceable order.)

The next meeting of the CRA will be the AGM, and the 10th Anniversary of the CRA. The present office bearers have indicated that they will be standing down, and has been indicated in previous minutes, decisions have to be taken on the way forward for the CRA as an organisation. The proposed alterations to the constitution were noted, and with broad approval, were to be taken forward to the AGM. There followed a discussion on arrangements for catering at the AGM.

There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.30pm.


Cellardyke Residents Association

Minutes of 10th Annual General Meeting

Tuesday 5th September 2017

Those present were Glenn Jones (Chairman), Adam Bittern, John Brown, John Carder, Marie Carder, Nette Carder, Dorothea Cargill Thompson, David Corstorphine, Elizabeth Dickson, Christine Herd, David Herd, Julia Horton, Paul Lewis, Allan McLelland (Treasurer), Pam Moncur, Kate Shearer, Peter Shepherd, Dave Smith, Laurie Smith, Lindsey Thompson, Mark Thompson, Mary Thomson; George Walker, Richard Wemyss and Catherine Wilson (Secretary);

Apologies were received from Carole Anderson, Morag Findlay, Jo Hilton, Susan Holmes, (Cllr) Sandra Holt, Fiona Mitchell, Chris Oliver, Elizabeth Riches, Diana Sykes and Gemma Wycherley

Glenn welcomed all present to the meeting with a particular welcome to those for whom it was a first CRA meeting. He introduced his (current) fellow officers.

Main Business - Presentations on current CRA sponsored projects

Revival of the Sea Queen Ceremony

John Brown provided a brief summary of the development of the Sea Queen project to date, including some related projects, and stressed the need for additional people, both team leaders and team members, to take aspects of the work forward within a defined structure. For some elements effort was needed between now and July 14th while for other aspects the main effort would be needed ‘on the day’. He circulated a sheet for those present to sign up as volunteers for specific tasks or to make more general contributions.  

Richard Wemyss then elaborated on the historical aspects to be incorporated into the festival, emphasising that the festival would aim to bring these various strands together. (Richard has produced an extensive document covering all aspects of event from the departure of the Sea Queen from Anstruther Harbour on The Reaper, accompanied by a fleet of historic boats, to the Crowning Ceremony at Cellardyke Harbour and the laying of a wreath on the Skellies – and a church service the next day.) He referred to the historical characters who would feature ‘in person’ to help make residents and visitors aware of the past – Water Willie, Mary Buick, Captain Rodger, Provost Carstairs, Bishop Kennedy, et al.

Elizabeth Dickson spoke about the teams of people needed to translate from ideas/plans to action, and the nature of the tasks to be undertaken:

Ensuring compliance with all Health and Safety legislation

  1. Preparation/restoration of costumes and regalia
  2. Organising the production/hire and erection of staging at both Anstruther and Cellardyke harbours
  3. Fund-raising
  4. Selection of children/young people to be involved
  5. Co-ordination of children on the day
  6. Selection and briefing/coaching of actors
  7. Street decoration – bunting, floral displays, etc

She urged all those present to volunteer immediately. There would be a meeting of the volunteers, with further briefing, at the end of October.

At the close of discussion, it was stressed again that the emphasis for 2018 would be to enact elements of the history of the area and of the festival. In future years, diversification might be appropriate.

Information/Interpretation Boards

In introducing the topic, Glenn referred to a successful application for funding for the project from Section 75 Funds. John Brown gave a progress report, in the process, summarising the work of the initiative so far. He indicated that there would be ten ‘picture boards’ and a ‘Welcome to Cellardyke’ board, the former including four boards to be developed for Kilrenny. John reported that he had undertaken a lot of research on the content for the boards, adding that what he was drafting would need to be checked. He went on to speak about the manufacture of the boards, a matter he had been researching further since seeing the Historic Environment Scotland boards at Tantallon Castle.  He would shortly be visiting a company in Westmorland which offered a package of services including design, production of templates, editing expertise and production. Achieving planning permission from Fife Council had taken a time but permission had now been granted subject to reassurance re the materials to be used.

The aim was to have the minimum of prose on each board with plenty of illustrations and a QR code giving access to further information on a dedicated website: cellardyke.org.uk John indicated that he needed some help with the IT aspect of the project and with researching the further information for the website. The aim was to have the content for all the Cellardyke boards and website agreed by early in the new year and the actual boards in place by May 2018.          

Cellardyke in Bloom (within Anstruther and Cellardyke in Bloom)

Kate Shearer reported that judging of the floral displays in the area, for the Beautiful Fife initiative, had taken place in July and the outcome was awaited.   (Secretary’s note: Anstruther and Cellardyke again achieved a Gold Award, with the young people’s Wizard of Oz garden at Ladywalk having received special mention.) She noted that it had been a difficult summer for flowers, with plenty of greenery apparent at the time of judging while the flowers were only now beginning to look their best. However, the major problem for Cellardyke was that Kate was now standing down as floral co-ordinator and gardener/worker in chief. Volunteers were needed urgently to take over responsibilities for various displays around the village and in particular, at the entrance to Pickford Crescent, at the start of the Waur Path and at the Crail Road/ Windmill Road junction. (Christine Herd had already agreed to take over responsibility for the tubs at the former Police Station.) It was noted any tubs which were not maintained would be taken away by Fife Council. It was further noted that greenhouse space was available for bringing on plants but the GREAT need was for people!

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of 6th September 2016

The Minutes of the AGM of 2016 which had first been circulated in 2016, were approved: proposed by Kate Shearer and seconded by Paul Lewis. There were no matters arising.

Secretary’s Report

Catherine Wilson tabled and presented her fifth and final report, highlighting the importance of the various projects which were key to the Association in achieving one of its aims, the safeguarding the identity of the village and promoting a sense of community. (A copy of the full report is appended to these minutes.)  

She thanked regular attenders of CRA meetings for their support and offered particular thanks to Glenn in his role as Chairman and for his involvement in many other facets of local community work, to Allan as Treasurer, to Kate as flower supremo and to George as Vice Chairman and webmaster. The opportunity to work with these fellow officers had been wholly enjoyable.

Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer, Allan McLelland, tabled copies of the accounts for the year September 2016 to August 2017 had been prepared and approved in due time by the auditor, Mr David Thomson (of Kilrenny). The assets of the Association stood at £2172.14 as at 31st August 2017. He noted that subscriptions at £192 were up on the previous year.   Floral income (grants and donations) was down while, expenditure had increased, the difference being covered from other assets. The costs of meeting had been reduced by using The Haven as an alternative meeting venue and by reducing the number of meetings.

Allan also reported on the accounts for the period 1st to 31st August 2017, a period which had seen no expenditure but during which some subscription income had been received.

Glenn duly thanked Allan for his work over many years and praised him for his clear well documented accounts.

Chairman’s Reflection on the past year and a Look to the future.

In presenting this, a copy of which is attached to these minutes, Glenn reflected briefly on the first ten years of the Association’s active life, the earliest years of which had focused on opposition to proposed redevelopment of the Anstruther Holiday Park to form the Silverdykes ‘village’. The CRA had evolved into an organisation with a new focus, that of a partner in the community, aiming to safeguard the identity and history of Cellardyke. It now faced a new future with new officers and the realisation of several key projects. Glenn paid fulsome tribute to his predecessors as Chairs, and to the Secretary and other officers and thanked in advance those who would be the new officers for the work they would do.

Changes to the Constitution

Following discussions which had taken place at the August meeting of the Association, Glenn brought forward proposed changes to the constitution relating to the aims of the Association (a shortening/simplification), the frequency of meetings (from six to five) and the number to constitute a quorum (from six to five). The proposals had been circulated in advance of the meeting. Also, a small addition to the way forward should the Association be dissolved was recommended. All the changes were approved unanimously.

Annual Subscriptions and Membership.

It was proposed from the Chair that no change be made to the existing arrangements; i.e. members attending meetings would continue to contribute £1 per meeting, while those unable to attend would be invited to make a donation, recommended at £10 per year, to support the work of the Association, receive minutes etc. The proposal was agreed unanimously. (It was noted that there were currently 14 annual subscribers.) 

Election of Office Bearers

All the current officers had indicated their decisions to stand down and hence new office bearers were elected as indicated below

Chairman and Vice-Chairman – to share office:

Chair:  John Brown (proposed by Glenn Jones, seconded by David Corstorphine)        

Vice Chair:   Paul Lewis   (proposed by Kate Shearer?, seconded by Mary Thomson)

Secretary:    Pam Moncur (proposed by Catherine Wilson, seconded by John Brown)

Treasurer   Kate Shearer   (proposed by Allan McLelland, seconded by John Brown)

All were elected unopposed! 

It was noted that the dates of future meetings would need to be changed and it was agreed that the next meeting would be held on Wednesday, 1st November.


Members were reminded that there was to be a Coffee Morning, to raise funds for the Sea Queen Festival, which would take place on Saturday, 16th September in Cellardyke Church Hall. Volunteers were needed to provide baking and raffle prizes and/or to help set up the hall on the Friday and/or to help on the day  

It was announced that the date of the next AGM would be Tuesday, 4th September 2018.

There being no other matters to discuss, the meeting closed at approximately 20.40 hrs.

Members then enjoyed light refreshments and enjoyable social time together  

Secretary’s Report

This is my fifth report as Secretary of the CRA and it will be my final report. I find it difficult to believe that I have been in post as Secretary for five years, but I have the reports on file to prove it!   (How much variation there has been in the reports is not a matter that I intend to pursue!)

In terms of basic facts and figures, I can report that the Association has met seven times in the past year, including the AGM. While attendances have not been large we have attracted ‘new faces’ to some meetings and have welcomed expressions of interest in the work of the Association. Meetings have always been quorate. We have recruited two new paid-up members. We have n’t produced any news-sheets for distribution throughout the community but our website continues to attract a good number of visits per month, and prompts enquiries about the Association and/or about aspects of life in Cellardyke.

As Secretary, my main tasks have been the answering of letters and e-mails, the preparation of agendas, in consultation with the Chair, and the production and circulate minutes. I have also circulated information from other organisations or news of local activities when these have been deemed to be both interesting and of relevance to members. I have written missives in relation to matters which have come up at meetings where we have wanted further information on a topic or sought appropriate action by another organisation.

Probably my least favourite task has been filling out the application form for a Floral Grant from Fife Council. This is a slightly daunting task and quite time-consuming but the ‘consolation’ in terms of the grant for 2017 was that although the grant received was considerably less than the sum for which we had applied, it was the biggest grant to an Anstruther/Cellardyke organisation!  

Once again, through the tremendous efforts of Kate Shearer with some support from Allan McLelland, and from Colin Ingram, through the contributions in cash or in kind from a number of Cellardyke residents and through the injection of some additional funding from the Association itself, floral displays in the village have been maintained at last year’s level. We have continued to collaborate, through the Anstruther and Cellardyke in Bloom Group, with other organisations which sponsor floral displays in the community. Whether we will achieve a Gold Award again this year from the Beautiful Fife judges will be made known later this month. Special thanks to Kate for all her tireless work on the floral front.

Given the (small) size of our active membership, the officers realised some time back that the Association could not initiate major projects, but could support individuals and/or other groups with ideas for activities in line with the CRA’s aims. I would argue that we have been fortunate to attract some such projects – the Interpretation Boards project (an idea which came from the Association but which John Brown has had the energy and commitment to take forward); the Revival of the Sea Queen Festival; and the Burgh Survey. More will be said about these projects at the meeting, but I would like to record here thanks to John, Richard Wemyss and Paul Lewis, in particular for their work in these areas.      

I hope that in the above paragraphs I have given a fair summary of the CRA’s efforts in 2016/17.   The role as Secretary has been interesting and generally enjoyable although other commitments have allowed me less time to contribute to the general well-being of the Association than I would have wished. The opportunity to work with fellow officers has been wholly enjoyable and I thank Glenn, Allan and George most warmly for their great support for me personally and well as for their work for the Association - as Chair, Treasurer and Vice Chair/webmaster respectively. Thanks are also due to those who attend meetings regularly, and/or make significant contributions to its work in the community.   Keep up the good work!

Although I am standing down as Secretary, I do not intend to disappear from the scene. I shall attend as many meetings as I can in the future and will offer what support I can to my successor - and I am delighted to report that I will be proposing the name of a successor when it comes to the elections.  

Catherine Wilson

4th September 2017

Chairman's Report 2016-17 

Cellardyke Residents Association has now completed its first decade of active life. Looking back, 14 residents attended the first meeting on 20th August, 2007, four of whom are still attenders - myself, Davie Corstorphine, George Walker and Paul Lewis. At least two of those original members, Sonny Corstorphine and Alex Parker are, sadly, no longer with us. There was only one item on the agenda, the plan by Muir Homes to build 340 houses on the site of Anstruther Holiday Park which was located, of course, in Cellardyke.   And so the CRA came into existence as the forum for the discussion of, and opposition to, the proposals.   We became the go-to group for press responses to events, crossed swords with a professional PR firm, and represented the 180 written objectors at the Reporter's Appeal, where , it should be said, Fife Council and the CRA prevailed, led by our chair, Jill Calder, against a legal team led by a QC. We learnt a lot about the planning process, and about politics. The final plan for Silverydykes was the improved plan demanded by the Reporter. Since then, the CRA has evolved from its fighting roots into a recognised partner in the community, as Catherine's secretary's report has indicated, inaugurating the Cellardyke Burns Supper,   and doing all it can to safeguard the identity and history of Cellardyke, as is set out in our constitution. We have played a full part in the Silverdykes Liaison Committee, having chaired it since its beginning and now we are working positively, and I believe co-operatively, with Muir Homes through their representative, David Scobbie, who has also been a member since the first meeting. How things change.

And because things change, we find ourselves at the expected crossroads. At last year's AGM, I said we were entering a crucial year, and that unless new people came forward with new ideas, there were insufficient regulars left to sustain the CRA. As I indicated, the main office bearers, who have been taking on the responsibility for almost all of the CRA's existence, are standing down - finally and definitely - tonight.   Our current strategy for the future is based on supporting key activities in the village, notably the Sea Queen historic pageant, and the historic notice boards, the progress in which has been shared with us by John Brown. and by continuing the excellent work of our floral group led by Kate Shearer, and supported by Allan Mclelland and others, who helped Anstruther and Cellardyke to a gold award in the Beautiful Fife competition.   Successful progress has been made on all three fronts this year, as you have heard from Catherine, and I would like to commend and thank all those involved.

I was hugely cheered by the large and positive attendance at last year's AGM, and we had hoped, partly by making the meetings more social occasions in the Haven, to build on that. However, at the first regular meeting, we only managed to round up six of the usual suspects, making it convivial, but disappointing.   We have had a useful year, nonetheless, and I am very glad to say, that as we four office bearers step down, there are others prepared to take the CRA forward. Perhaps new thinking, and new ways of doing things, will be needed. I would like to give a most heartfelt thank you to my predecessors as Chairman: to Sonny Corstorphine, Jill Calder, Dorothea Cargill-Thomson, and Catherine Wilson, and to my fellow office bearers. Thank you Catherine, probably the best secretary in the world, who has worked tirelessly to keep the business of the CRA moving forward, and is the nearest thing we have to a Duracell bunny. Thank you, Allan, our Iron Chancellor, whose reputation for ruthless integrity in the management of our money is well deserved, and who has been my partner in organising seven successful Burns Suppers, and thank you George, for being an endless source of common sense and good advice, and for managing our online presence, which is ever more important. And I wish to thank to all of the members of the CRA, past and present, who have made the meetings so lively, positive and good-humoured over the past decade.

And so to the future.   I look forward to the success of the Sea Queen revival, inspired by the enthusiasm of Richard, John and Elizabeth and their expanding team, and to the significant contribution to knowledge about the people, culture and heritage of Cellardyke   that John's work on the information boards will bring. I look forward to enjoying the more attractive environment created by the past years of floral work by Kate and her team, and to whatever new ideas for improving Cellardyke that a renewed CRA will bring.  And after almost ten years as either vice chairman, secretary or chairman, I am looking forward to attending CRA meetings as an ordinary punter. Thank you, friends, for the past ten years, and thank you in advance, our successors for the next.

Glenn Jones


5th September 2017


Minutes of the meeting held in the Haven Bar, Shore Street, Cellardyke on 1/11/17 at 7.00pm


 Apologies for absence:

Chris Oliver, Glenn and Lorna Jones, Diana Sykes, George Walker, Stella Hunter, Laurie Smith, Carole Anderson, Dorothea Cargill Thomson, Catherine Wilson

New committee members introductions:

John thanked the ex-committee members for their work and welcomed new members - Alan, Christine, John, Richard, Catriona, Susan, Mary, Paul, Kate and Pam.

Minutes of previous meeting: Proposed by Kate and seconded by Alan.

Changes to constitution: related to number of meetings and focus of the group, were accepted.

Present projects:

Interpretation boards

John noted thanks due to Christine, Herd, Catherine and Peter who responded to what has been written for the boards. Harry Watson will also look at the historical detail and then the topics will be sent to Westmorland Signage International to be produced.

Sea Queen

Sub-committee of Elizabeth, Morag, John and Richard have met and extensive work has been done (see a brief summary below – more detail can be provided, if required). £1200 from the Nora Webber Trust has been given to purchase P.A. systems for the ceremonies at Anstruther Harbour and Cellardyke Harbour. There was some discussion around issues related to insurance and John will take this forward with Community and Fife Councils.

a)     Boats all invited

b)    Federation of Coopers spoken to

c)     Catriona Macpherson will make traditional oilskins

d)    Harbour Lights asked to perform at Kirking

e)     Canvas Boughs patterns made and wood donated

f)      Robes/crown – museum has been approached

g)     Education Officer at the Museum potentially to arrange workshops

h)    Photos coming all the time of previous Sea Queens

i)       Bernie McConnell and his shanty group have been approached

j)       Pam Moncur – fisher lass songs

k)    Community choir has been approached

l)       Peter Bowman will make a farlan

m)  Official photo’s: Alastair Ramsay (boats), Emily Noakes (people) and Scott Morris as John Porter 1860’s to take and upload to Facebook

n)    Community Kist has been approached for possible additional funding

  • Ex BBC cameraman is available

p)    Museum approached for use of Sun Tavern – free of charge

q)    Harbour Lights will be met on 29th November

r)      Jo and Chris will allow use of their old shop area at 23, George Street

s)     Window dressing competition and advert on Facebook

t)      Cheque from Rowing Club has been received

u)    Rugby Club, Masons and Lifeboats have been approached

v)    Pipers will require chasing up

w)  Meeting to be arranged for actors

x)    Procession: group to tow Fifie or a drum band

Floral displays

There has been no response to requests for help so Kate is still the lead on this so she will try approaching young parents and toddlers for their involvement, possibly. Paul to take on barrels at the top of steps behind the Haven, John to do the ones at Memorial and Kate others. Alan to do boat and Pickford tubs and Christine police station ones. Thanks were expressed to Kate.

Coffee morning: raised £532.97 and Mary Thomson was thanked for organising the event along with all involved.

United Burgh’s Survey book: this was launched recently at a presentation at the Dreel Hall and Paul reported that a brochure is to be produced, documents for school children and a history trail.

Treasurer’s Report: £53.31 cash in hand and account balance is £2,662.08. There have been issues related to the mandate needed to change named persons. Kate has no access to bank statements etc yet. Money for wreaths has been paid back but the £1200 from Nora Webber Trust has not been received yet. Catriona to investigate the OSCAR website to see if any help is available.

Silverdykes Liaison Committee meets to discuss ideas for Muir Homes monies (Section 75). If the ideas fit remit and approved is then submitted to the Council. Glenn continues as chair of SLC.


1)    Alan sought and got clarification re: wreath laying.

2)    Paul reported regarding the removal of wall in East Forth Street. Nothing has been heard from the Council since August. Letter to be written to Lyle Smith (contact at Council) for update. Paul to email correspondence to Pam who will write.

3)    John suggested looking at the position and condition of the Cellardyke Mercat Cross. Some discussion relating to moving it to its original position. There may be issues related to traffic. Historic Scotland to be approached to see if this can be moved forward.

Date of next meeting: December 6th 2017 at 7.00pm in Lower Town Hall. Pam to email members with Agenda and to clarify arrangements regarding nibbles etc for the social following meeting.


Minutes of the meeting held in the Lower Town Hall, Cellardyke on 6th of December 2017 at 7.00pm

Apologies for absence:

Chris Oliver, George Walker, Catherine Wilson, Diana Sykes, Steve Liscoes, Dorothea Cargill Thomson, Catriona MacPherson, Allan McLelland.

  1. Present at meeting: Pam, Paul, John, Morag, Christine, Richard, Kate and Glenn.
  2. Minutes of previous meeting: Proposed by Kate, seconded by Christine.
  3. Present projects:

Interpretation boards: Lectern-style board design chosen by John has been returned from company to him. Emphasis of the boards focuses on people of the town, including list of the many businesses established in the town. Website group has met to supply further information and include links to other websites of interest.

Sea Queen :The rector (Ian Hughes) of Waid Academy has been approached about the selection of the Sea Queen and has agreed that we can talk to students in S5. Photo’s to be shown and brief history/anniversary and community involvement highlighted. This will be on Monday 18th of Dec. Girls to be given forms and time over the holidays to decide if want to apply. All pupils can vote and 2nd and 3rd girls will be committee members and co-opt boys onto the committee. Interview board to be Elizabeth, Ian, Morag and Pat. Robin Currie at primary school to be approached for attendants later on and hope for inclusion of WW1 veterans in parade. The ceremony will take place in Anstruther then parade to Cellardkye. Health and Safety concerns and road closures to be addressed – hard to predict numbers. Richard and John have been to Community Council and an organisation with a constitution can take out public liability insurance as a ‘responsible body’ and CRA can receive and pay money without going through the council. Another coffee morning and raffle should be enough to raise funds. Kate suggested collecting tins – will wait until next year to see if needed. Richard informed meeting that the mooring rings on the harbour had been removed and they need to be replaced – will contact Council. Muir Homes money is being held in case of overspends and there will be no more until completion. Issue of mooring rings will be brought up at SLC meeting and we will support replacement of rings.

Floral displays: Quiet at this time of year and Kate will carry on. Paul has bought a couple of barrels – to liaise with Kate.

SLC: This committee makes recommendations to Fife Council and they distribute money. Glenn to continue as chair. Noted a few things have been ‘lost’ at Council level (recommendations accepted but no movement). Play park work has started and Billowness to start soon and some work has been done at Bankie Park. Meeting tomorrow and Kate asked about other applications and for clarification of the cycle path development. SLC will continue for 18mths – 2 years after Muir Homes completion.

Planning Issues

Wall in Forth Street

Paul to send communication that has already taken place and John to phone Lyle Smith at Council.

House at George Street/Sharps Close

This house has been gutted and Kate has written to Council, Willie Rennie and Stephen Gethins.

Mercat Cross

It may not be possible to move but it could be protected. John to move this forward and report back to CRA.

Treasurer’s Report: No signatures yet, Glenn to help with this. Catherine and Jill Calder to come off and Allan, Glenn and Kate to be signatories. Provisional budget for the Sea Queen was circulated – see separate sheet.

 A.O.B. An inquiry about Burn’s Supper – not to be one this year.

CD Launch – the George Street Sessions with local performers – spread the word and website to go live next week.