Cellardyke Residents Association meeting. (By Zoom.)
Thursday 11 February 2021
19:30 to 21:00
Dear All,
I attach the agenda and draft minutes of our meeting in November.
I also attach a note from Glenn, as Chairman, regarding the recent works on the Toon’s Green.
Here is also a Zoom invitation for the meeting. I look forward to seeing you there.
Nette Carder is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Nette Carder's Zoom Meeting
Time: Feb 11, 2021 07:30 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 732 2985 1158
Passcode: 4krsSY
With best wishes,
CRA Secretary
Thursday 11th February 2021 at 7.30 pm Held virtually by Zoom
1. Apologies for absence
2. Minutes of the previous meeting held on 12th November 2020 - for approval
3. Matters arising from the minutes
4. Update on Silverdykes Liaison Committee
5. Treasurers Report - verbal
6. Any other business
7. Date and Time of next meeting - to be confirmed at the meeting.
CRA MEETING DRAFT MINUTES Thursday 12th November 2020 at 7.30 pm Held virtually by Zoom
In attendance: Glenn Jones (Chair), Paul Lewis (Vice Chair), Nette Carder (Secretary and minutes), Diana Sykes, Richard Wemyss, Catherine Wilson, Dorothea Cargill-Thomson, Steve Liscoe. Catriona Macpherson attended the meeting briefly.
1. Apologies for absence received: Chris Oliver, David Corstorphine, Stella Hunter, Elizabeth Dickson
2. Minutes of the previous meeting held on 24th September The minutes were approved, with the caveat that this meeting was also the AGM, so the minutes may be represented at the 2021 AGM.
3. Matters arising from the minutes : There were no matters arising
4. Update on Silverdykes Liaison Committee Glenn Jones thanked all who were continuing with the CRA, which was now focussed on the Silverdykes Liaison Committee. The SLC membership includes x3 CRA members and x2 Community Council members, as well as Fife Council and Muir Homes. Glenn is the Chairman. The Liaison Committee is not an executive body. Rather it considers proposals from the community - either individual or group suggestions - and recommends them. The work of the Committee has been disrupted by lockdown, however the new Fife Council parks representative Iain Wilson had been very helpful. Glenn noted the untimely death of his predecessor, Alan Bisset, who had made a significant contribution to the work of the SLC. £400,000 was payable in total as part of the Section 75 agreement covering the Silverdykes development, of which £300,000 has been paid over by Muir Homes to Fife Council, who are responsible for the spend and for organising the works. The last £100,000 will be paid when the last house is sold. The monies are for “open space leisure facilities” which are accessible to all and can be maintained by the Council. As recommended projects sometimes underspend or do not come to fruition, there may also be funds available from the funds that have already been allocated. Glenn is checking out how much is left from the existing funds. Two proposals are currently out to tender - a swing for children of restricted mobility, and a replacement slide, both for Cellardyke Park. Work has not started on the agreed works at Dreelside Play Park and arrangements are being made to support disabled access to the War Memorial, working with a local landowner. Other proposals which have been previously approved include: A picnic table/bench with disabled access in Bankie Park adjacent to Ladywalk Home, and the interpretation boards for Kilrenny. A wide ranging proposal was received for recreational development on the land at the end of Cellardyke, but was later withdrawn. Part of that proposal is incorporated in the proposal circulated by Glenn - which includes repairs to the paths on the Toon’s Green and general improvement of that area. Glenn will confirm when the final tranche of £100,000 will be paid. 5. Treasurer’s Report This was presented by the Secretary in the absence of the Treasurer. Following the AGM, the CRA had £3277.69 in the Bank and £80.52 as petty cash. As previously agreed, £884.77 was paid to the Community Council as the CRA was no longer co-ordinating any floral work; £2128.04 was paid to the Cellardyke Trust as Sea Queen monies, as the Sea Queen is now the responsibility of the Cellardyke Trust. This left £264.88 in CRA funds. The only expenditure so far as been a £70 donation to Poppy Scotland, in lieu of purchasing a wreath. It was agreed that a more sustainable wreath would be made this year, although the CRA would also donate to Poppy Scotland. This leaves a sum of £194.88 in the bank, with £80.52 in petty cash. In addition, the CRA had recently been notified by Fife Council that: “Due to the closure of the Flowers in Perpetuity Non-Settlement Trust fund I am delighted to inform you that all ‘in Bloom’ groups in North East Fife are to receive an additional one-off payment of £873.58 this year.” After some discussion about the co-ordination of floral work, the CRA’s decision not to co-ordinate floral work was reaffirmed and it was agreed to pass these funds (£873.58) to the Community Council for Floral work in Cellardyke. Issues regarding broken/decaying tubs and future planting could be raised with the Community Council by individual members of the CRA, acting as individuals. The email of the Community Council is: anstruthercommunitycouncil@gmail.com
5. CRA Proposal for restoring and landscaping the Toon’s Green area of Cellardyke The proposal had been previously circulated to CRA members and is for the restoration of paths and steps and planting of escarpment slopes at The Town’s Green, East End, Cellardyke. It particularly affects people living at both the top and bottom of the hill and Glenn has already discussed it with residents there, and those consulted are in support. It is clear that local residents do not wish fixed leisure equipment (eg. a picnic table, or play equipment) adjacent to houses and that trees should be low growing and not block views. The current cut grass areas above and below the slopes will stay as they are. It is important that the work is undertaken as the paths, steps and the area are deteriorating. Glenn will work with Fife Council parks department to ensure it fits with their maintenance criteria - and also to obtain definitive costs. The proposal was supported by the CRA meeting. It will be considered at the next Silverdykes Liaison Committee meeting on 12th December. As part of the discussion, the question of a memorial for John Brown was raised. Richard Wemyss informed the CRA that John’s family had already raised a considerable amount for a bench. In addition, the Cellardyke Trust was considering a proposal for a semi-circular stone bench/enclosure on the shore level at the end of Cellardyke (near East Neuk Outdoors). This could be a proposal that could be put to the Silverdykes Liaison Committee when fully worked up. The SLC will be going back to the community for ideas as to how to spend the remaining funds in due course. Richard mentioned that in 2025 it will be the 150th Anniversary of the loss of 5 fishing boats - three from St Monans and two from Cellardyke - and a joint project may be organised to commemorate these losses. Glenn drew the attention of the meeting to the Norah Webber Trust, which is a local charity which gives grants to local projects, particularly those that assist the young and the old.
6 . Any Other Business No items were raised.
7. Date and Time of Next meeting : 11th February 2021 at 7.30pm. The meeting will be held by Zoom, due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Gleen Jones 7th February 2021.
Dear Fellow CRA members Ground damage caused to public open space in Cellardyke You may have heard about an occurrence last Friday at Cellardyke's East End. It appears that for some reason Friday 5th February was chosen to carry out cutting on the slopes of the Toon's Green, causing particular damage to the area adjacent to the area behind the floral boat. Fortunately, it was stopped by local residents. I e mailed Fife Council and the three councillors on the subject, as chair of both the SLC and CRA. The Community Council acted quickly on this. Its Chair , Andy Peddie, and I both visited the site, and the community council secretary was quick to send a pointed message to the council. To sum up the background, the SLC had agreed at its meeting in December 2020, following requests from local residents, and the receipt of the formal proposal from the CRA which we discussed at our last meeting, to recommend to Fife Council that approximately £2,500 of Section 75 money be used to repair the two flights of stone steps leading up the escarpment slope, and to repair and improve the path which slants diagonally down the slope. This was agreed, including such ancilliary repairs as were necessary. It was also agreed that Fife Council would restart the annual cutting of the slopes, which had being running to seed. This was a welcome decision, which would have greatly improved the amenity of the area for locals, and all the users of the Fife Path which runs through it. Unfortunately, and without any notice, this cutting seems to have been started last week, possibly by a contractor, in the midst of a lashing gale, on sodden slopes, and notable damage has been done to the lower western slope area. The worst is in the area of the floral boat, where local residents have spent much effort in planting bulbs and other improvements. They are very upset at what they now see in front of their houses. I must say that all that had happened up to today had been a model of good practice in consultation and working between the community and Fife Council, for which I previously thanked the officials concerned. I had been planning to announce all this to the community after meetings (SLC and CRA) on 11th Feb, next week, along with news about the final tranche of Muir money. I intend to find out why this work was done at this time of year, and in such circumstances. As Chairman also of the CRA, I am insisting that full restoration of the landscaped area be made as and when appropriate, and that the residents concerned be consulted as to what requires to be done. We could have done without this. Our plan was good, and we need to get it back on track.
All the best
Glenn 7th Feb 2021