CRA Meeting.

Tuesday 19 February 2019
19:00 to 21:00

There will be a meeting of the CRA, kindly hosted by Chris Oliver, on the 19th February 2019, all interested parties are welcome. Note, entry through the old shop on ground floor.


19th February 2019

To be held at 7pm at 23 George Street, Cellardyke

  1. Apologies for absence

 received from Nette Carder, Catherine Wilson, George Walker.

 2. Minutes of the previous meeting on 5th December 2018

3. Matters arising from the minutes

4. Tribute and appreciation of Allan McLelland

5. Update on Projects


       The Interpretation Boards

       The Sea Queen Festival

6. Silverdykes Liaison Committee

7. The Future of the CRA - paper attached for discussion & approval

8. Correspondence received - none received to date by the Secretary.

9. Any Other Business

10 . Date and Time of Next meeting : Tuesday 9th May 2019.



CRA Officers’ Meeting

Thursday 24 January 2019


John Brown, Chairperson

Paul Lawrie, Vice Chair

Nette Carder, Secretary

Glenn Jones, Past Chair

Catherine Wilson Past Secretary

Apologies: George Walker (Website), Catriona Macpherson(Treasurer)

An informal meeting of past and present CRA officials took place at 24 Shore Street, Cellardyke to discuss the future role of the Association.

In August of 2007 the organisation was established as a lobbying group to object to the Muir Homes proposed Silverdykes development at the old Anstruther Holiday Village/RAF Base.

Following the construction of the Silverdykes development the Association’s role has changed.

The future focus of the Association was discussed and three aims were suggested:

  • To promote the history and heritage of Cellardyke
  • To promote the unique identity of the town
  • To encourage activities which develop a sense of place and community

It was agreed that the Association should not be seen as a ‘mini Community Council’ and that many of the items dealt with, by default, in the past were neither within the remit nor the scope of the Association, for example - planning, dog fouling, pavement parking etc.  

These concerns/complaints need to be directed in the future to Fife Council, the Kilrenny, Anstruther and Cellardyke Community Council or any appropriate individual or organisation.

The role of the Silverdykes Liaison Committee was also discussed.   It was thought that the SLC would function, as previously, for the next 18 months at which point all Silverdykes houses will have been sold and the Muir Homes Community Fund (Section 75) allocated to appropriate, worthy projects.

This time scale (the next 18 months) would give the members of the Association the opportunity to discuss and formulate the way ahead.

The group did not wish to be prescriptive but the format and workings of the Association need to be clearly discussed and defined over this next period of time if it is to continue to give support to the Cellardyke Community.


23 George Street,
KY10 3AU
(view map)