Silverdykes Liaison Committee

Thursday 03 April 2014
18:15 to 20:30

The Silverdykes Liaison Committee (SLC) was set up as part of the Section 75 planning agreement between Fife Council and Muir Homes. It has two main functions: to select appropriate works of art for four locations in the Silverdykes development in Cellardyke, and to determine the appropriate usage of the commuted sum of £400,000 to be paid by Muir Homes to the local community. This is in required as the development has less open space provision than is required under policy E5 of the St Andrews and East Fife Local Plan.

The SLC also serves as a liaison point between the developers, Muir Homes, and the community, over issues of community impact arising during the work on the development. The committee consists of a representative of Muir Homes, three members from the CRA, three from Anstruther, Cellardyke and Kilrenny Community Council, and in addition, currently has three members co-opted from the local area within Cellardyke.


To date, the SLC has held consultations with young people over the possible use of commuted funds, and has chosen to site four stone   capstans, inscribed with drawings representing fishing and farming in the new development. Suggestions from the community for possible uses of commuted sums are welcomed.

If any residents have any queries they would like raised at the SLC, these can be raised either through the Community Council, or through the CRA members. Contact the CRA through this website, or through the secretary, Catherine Wilson. The committee meets at roughly six week intervals.