Older news items

Older News Items 


May 2024 

Bradwell with Pattiswick Annual Parish Assembly Meeting
Monday 13 May 2024, 7pm, Bradwell Village Hall

The Annual Parish Assembly Meeting is the yearly public meeting, chaired by the Parish Council, where residents are invited to come along to find out more about the work of community groups as well as the work of the Parish Council. 

This year the following groups will be in attendance:

  • PC James Draper, Braintree Community Safety & Engagement Officer
  • Kelly Bleasdale, Senior Manager, Essex Dementia Care, The Dementia Society
  • Michael Turner, Bradwell Village Hall Committee
  • Tony Dunn, Chair of Bradwell with Pattiswick Parish Council. Tony will be providing residents with an update on the Neighbourhood Plan re-fresh taking place later this year.

This meeting will be followed by the Bradwell with Pattiswick Parish Council Annual Meeting at 7.30pm*, and the monthly Bradwell with Pattiswick Parish Council Meeting at 8pm*             

We look forward to seeing you all there! 


*These timings may be subject to change


April 2024 

Replacement Minerals Local Plan Review - 2025-2040 - Deadline Extended

The consultation deadline for the Replacement Minerals Local Plan Review has been extended to 9 April 2024.  If you have not done so already, you are encouraged to respond to Essex County Council, via the following link

At the meeting on 11 March, Councillors agreed the Parish Council's responses to both the Local Plan as well as the proposed sites affecting the parish.  These cn be viewed in the links below:

Parish Council's reponse to the Replacement Minerals Local Plan Review

Parish Council's response to the proposed sites affecting the parish


Replacement Minerals Local Plan Review - 2025-2040

Parish Council's draft response

The Parish Council has drafted a response to Essex County Council's consultation to the Replacement Minerals Local Plan Review.  This will be discussed, agreed and finalised at the next Parish Council meeting on 11 March.  A copy of the draft is available for residents to view here.  If you have any comments or points you would like to make on this ahead of the Parish Council meeting, please send them to Cllr. Dunn at tdconsulting@btinternet.com, copied to the Clerk at clerktobppc@outlook.com.  


Replacement Minerals Local Plan Review - 2025-2040


With reference to the Replacement Minerals Local Plan Consultation that is currently underway, Stisted Parish Council are inviting all residents in the parish to an open drop-in meeting on 21 February 2024 in Stisted Village Hall from 7.30pm

Residents will be aware that there are six proposed sites which either lie within, or border, the Parish of Bradwell with Pattiswick (including Stisted).  If approved, this will have a major impact on all residents, and the Parish Council encourages as many of you as possible to attend this meeting to hear what is being proposed and to have your say.   



Replacement Minerals Local Plan Review - 2025-2040 

Cllr. Tony Dunn has prepared a summary of the Replacement Minerals Local Plan review, with his thoughts on how the Parish of Bradwell with Pattiswick, as well as the adjoining community, will specifically be affected should the plans be approved. 

This paper was presented to Councillors for their consideration at the Parish Council meeting on 12 February, and comments as to how the Parish Council should respond will be discussed and decided at the next meeting, due to take place in the Village Hall on 11 March at 7.30pm.

A copy of this summary document can be found hereShould you have any comments or points you would like to make to the Parish Council, please send them to Cllr. Dunn at tdconsulting@btinternet.com, copied to the Clerk at clerktobppc@outlook.com . 


Replacement Minerals Local Plan Review - 2025-2040 


Essex County Council have begun the next stage of the Replacement Minerals Local Plan Review and are undertaking a six-week public consultation during which time they are inviting comments from both residents and Parish Councils potentially affected by the Plan.  

Please express your comments and make your feelings known by attending the next Parish Council meeting on 12 February and also by taking the time to respond to Essex County Council here, which contains all the related documents as well as details of how to respond.



The next village litter pick takes place on Saturday 13 April 2024.  Volunteers will be invited to meet at 9am outside the Bradwell Village Hall, to lend a hand with the “community clean- up”.  It’s a great way of keeping our village neat and tidy, as well as giving you the opportunity of meeting other residents and finishing with refreshments in the hall! 

The amenity vehicle will also be available to residents free of charge, for two hours from 10 am, giving you the opportunity to have a spring clean at home! 


March 2024 

Spring Litter Pick

The Bradwell with Pattiswick Spring litter pick takes place on Saturday 13 April 2024.  Volunteers are encouraged to meet outside the Bradwell Village Hall for a 9am start.  All equipment, including litter pickers, gloves, hi-viz and bags will be provided.  

The Parish Council has also arranged for the amenity vehicle to be in attendance for the use of residents.  This will be located outside the Village Hall for two hours from 10am until midday. 
Please be aware that NO TRADE OR BUILDERS’ RUBBLE IS PERMITTED and that the following items cannot be taken:
*White Goods   *Paints   *Oil   *Large branches   *Tyres   *Soft Furnishings (inc. Sofas, sofa beds, armchairs, kitchen/dining room table & chairs, any upholstered furniture)   *Patio Doors   *Large Tubed Televisions   *Refrigerators
February 2024 


Residents will be aware that there were a number of abnormal loads that went through the village during February.  Cllr. Ross Playle and a number of residents raised concerns about this, and which had been due to a number of international contractors who had followed their sat navs and not appreciated the importance of following the designated zone.  As as result, John Tatton, Managing Director at Invader Rivenhall Ltd, has written to Cllr. Tony Dunn to pass on his apologies to both the Parish Council and its residents.  A copy of his letter can be found here.


January 2024
Reminder: garden waste collections start from 4 March

If you have subscribed to Braintree District Council's new garden waste collection service, your collections will start from next week. Please remember to attach your sticker and check your online collections calendar for the exact collection date.

Please also ensure that you put your garden waste bin out for collection no later than 7am on your collection day. This is especially important with the new service, as the crews' routes may change as they receive new subscriptions.  


Garden waste subscription service update - Permit Required

More than 30,000 households subscribed to the Braintree District Council's garden waste collections from March this year. 

If you have subscribed to the service, you should have received an envelope in the post with a sticker which is intended to be attached to your green garden waste bin. Please write your house number inside the square on the sticker, preferably using a permanent marker pen.

Garden waste collections will be starting again from week commencing 4 March 2024 – check your collections calendar online for your exact date.

If you have subscribed and have not received your sticker by Friday 16 February, please get in touch at recycling@braintree.gov.uk


If you have not subscribed and would like to, or if you want to know more, please click here.


December 2023

Biodiversity Policy Statement & Action Plan 

The UK Government has introduced a biodiversity duty that requires public authorities in England to consider what they can do to conserve and enhance biodiversity by 2024.  At the December 2023 meeting, the Parish Council agreed to adopt their Biodiversity Policy Statement and Action Plan which can be viewed here.  


A120 Panners Interchange to Marks Farm Roundabout - Phase 2

National Highways will be undertaking essential improvement work on the A120 between Panners Interchange and Galleys Corner Roundabout.  

Work will involve replacing the safety barrier on the A120 across the railway bridge. This will ensure the A120 remains in a safe and serviceable condition.  They plan to complete this work over approx. 4 weeks between Monday 5 February 2024 and 6 March 2024. We will be working weeknights only between 8pm and 6am, weather permitting, please see map below: 

Closures and diversions

To carry out the work safely, we will need to close the A120, one direction at a time, and divert traffic as detailed below: 

Closure  Date/Time  Diversion 
A120 Galleys Corner Roundabout to Panners Interchange – westbound only. Monday 5 to Tuesday 6 February. Friday 16 February to Monday 4 March. A120 westbound traffic will be diverted via the A12 southbound at junction 25 to exit at junction 19 and follow the A130 and A131 before re-joining the A120 at Panners Interchange to continue their journey.
A120 Panners Interchange to Galleys Corner Roundabout – eastbound only. Tuesday 6 to Thursday 15 February. Tuesday 7 to Wednesday 7 March   A120 eastbound traffic will be diverted via Panners Interchange onto the A131 and A130 before joining the A12 at junction 19 and exit at junction 25 before rejoining the A120.


Please note: Properties and businesses located in the vicinity of the A120 between Panners Interchange and Galleys Corner Roundabout may experience construction noise during the work from Monday 5 February. Additionally, layby’s will be closed from 4 February.  National Highways will ensure that measures are taken to keep noise levels to a minimum and aim to complete the noisier tasks earlier in the night, where possible. 

How to find out more

To find out more about road improvements National Highways are undertaking across the East of England, please visit their website at https://nationalhighways.co.uk/our-work/east/.  or contact them on 0300 123 5000, or by e-mail at info@nationalhighways.co.uk  


November 2023

Rivenhall Low Carbon Greenhouse Proposal 

Ed Moorhouse, Business Development Manager at Oasthouse Ventures gave a presentation to the Parish Council and a number of residents at the 13 November 2023 Parish Council meeting.  At the meeting he introduced their plans to develop a low-carbon greenhouse at Bradwell Quarry.  A copy of the brochure is available here for those residents unable to attend the meeting or the subsequent presentations at Coggeshall and Silver End.


October 2023

Links Solar Farm

At the 1 October 2023 Parish Council meeting, Zac Reid (Community & Stakeholder Liaisons Manager) from Low Carbon gave a presentation on the proposals for Links Solar Farm.   A copy of the presentation is available for you to view here

Details of the Braintree diversion footpath for the solar farm can be seen on the following map: