
A120 Braintree to Marks Tey – Proposed speed limit reduction
Please see the attached letter from National Highways regarding their plans to undertake speed limit reductions on the A120 between Braintree (Marks Farm Roundabout) and Marks Tey.
These proposals are still in a formative stage, and National Highways would like to encourage any organisations, businesses or individuals affected to communicate their views on these proposals.  You will be pleased to see that Section 1 refers to "part of the road between Bradwell and the existing 50mph speed limit on the Coggeshall bypass (a distance of approximately 3.9 km): Reduction of the existing National Speed Limit (60mph) sections to 50mph".
We know that many residents will welcome this review and you are encouraged to respond to this expressing your views and concerns.  You can respond to the consultation via email or post, using the subject line “PROPOSED SPEED LIMIT REDUCTION ON THE A120 BRAINTREE TO MARKS TEY”: 
Post:  Road Safety East  
National Highways 
Manton Lane 
MK41 7LW 

Responses must reach National Highways by Friday 20 September 2024. 


The next village litter pick takes place on Saturday 14 September 2024.  Volunteers will be invited to meet at 9am outside the Bradwell Village Hall, to lend a hand with the “community clean- up”.  It’s a great way of keeping our village neat and tidy, as well as giving you the opportunity of meeting other residents and finishing with refreshments in the hall! Please do try to come along and help if you can.

The amenity vehicle will also be available to residents free of charge, for two hours from 10 am, giving you the opportunity to have a spring clean at home! 


Please be aware that NO TRADE OR BUILDERS’ RUBBLE IS PERMITTED and that the following items cannot be taken:

White Goods   *Paints   *Oil   *Large branches   *Tyres   *Soft Furnishings (inc. Sofas, sofa beds, armchairs, kitchen/dining room table & chairs, any upholstered furniture)   *Patio Doors   *Large Tubed Televisions   *Refrigerators

Braintree Local Plan - Identified Sites within Bradwell with Pattiswick 
The Parish Council would like to thank all those residents who attended the Extraordinary meeting on 5 August and who provided comments and views to support the Parish Council's response to Braintree District Council and the potential sites identified for future development.  The Parish Council will form its response, which will be posted on the website once it has been finalised. 
For those unable to attend (and as a reminder for those who did) there is a Facebook page, "Braintree District Better Together", which is a support group for residents of the district with an interest in planning & the environment. It currently has 900 members, and continues to grow, and they have prepared an articulate and concise "response to Braintree District Council (BDC)’s request for input on topics including ‘housing, employment, green spaces, transportation, infrastructure or any other aspect of the community’ during its review of the local plan".  At the Extraordinary meeting, the Parish Council agreed to adopt this document and will be using it when forming its response. 
A copy of this document can be found here, and the Parish Council will update residents with information as and when it becomes available. 


Your Village Needs You!!! 

Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting - "Call for Sites" 

The Parish Council will be holding an Extraordinary meeting on Monday 5 August at 7.30pm in the Bradwell Village Hall and would like to encourage as many residents as possible to attend.  Residents may already be aware that Braintree District Council are undertaking a review of its Local Plan, part of which has tried to identify what additional land is potentially available across the district for a range of uses including Housing (incs. Affordable Housing), Care Home, Residential, Mixed use and Biodiversity Net Gain. 
The following sites in the Bradwell with Pattiswick parish have been identified and the Parish Council would be very interested to hear your comments and/or concerns, so please do try to come along! (links to the sites are also attached):


Proposed Use



Housing/Affordable Housing/Care Home/ Employment/Biodiversity Net Gain

Land at Withies Green Farm, Cressing



Commercial Workshop and Yard, Rectory Meadow, Bradwell




Commercial Workshop and Yard, Rectory Meadow, Bradwell



Land at Church Road, Bradwell




Commercial Yard and Rectory Meadow, Bradwell


Mixed Use

Pattiswick Hall Farms, Holfield Grange, Coggeshall



Mixed Use

Gateway Park Urban Extension



Land East of Silver End


Housing & Mixed

Land East of Silver End



Land North of Coggeshall Road, Stisted



Essex Streetworks Team Notice

Temporary Traffic Regulation Order of The Street, Bradwell  

Please click on the following link to find details of the intended closure of The Street, due to commence on 13th August 2024 for 10 days. The closure is required for the safety of the public and workforce while National Highways undertakes drainage.


Braintree District Council Local Plan Review - A chance to have your say!

Braintree District Council are currently reviewing their Local Plan, a document that serves as a strategic framework guiding where businesses and homes will be located in the district, and protection of the green environment and heritage.

BDC state that "growth is essential and as a council we created the Local Plan to make sure development is properly planned. The plan does not just focus on more homes but is also about creating jobs alongside new homes being built, infrastructure, open spaces, community facilities and protecting our environment."

Sign up to their dedicated planning e-newsletter if you’re not already to get the latest news and updates on the review and opportunities to have your say.


Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR)

Following the Internal Audit of the Parish Council's accounts for the year ended 31 March 2024, notice of public rights and publication of the AGAR, is given here


The digital switchover - What it means for you!

Digital Switchover by 2025

Essex County Council’s Digital Essex team wants to make residents in Bradwell and Pattiswick aware that changes are coming to analogue landlines.  

By 2025, traditional phone lines will be replaced by a digital landline service. This means that calls will be made over a broadband line. 

For most residents, this change will be straightforward – you’ll also get to keep your phone number. Your telephone provider will contact you before anything changes. It is important to respond and discuss what you need to do to ensure your service won’t be affected. 

The switch to digital landline services could affect some residents. If any of the following apply to you, or someone you know, make sure you contact your telephone provider: 

  • You don’t have broadband
  • You rely solely on a landline
  • You use a personal alarm or healthcare device
  • You live in an area with poor mobile signal
  • You have additional needs

If you’re confused, worried, unsure, or have any questions, call your telephone provider. 

Visit Digital Essex near you! Digital Essex will be attending events across Essex this Spring and Summer, where they’ll be sharing the latest information about changes to phone lines.

They are planning to attend the Braintree Street Market event on the 29th of June. This is subject to change so please see the full list of events at

BT is also visiting locations across Essex throughout May. For full details, visit their website at

If you’d like to read more about the switch to digital landlines, visit Essex County Council’s website:

What it means for your business 

If your business uses old analogue lines, you will need to switch your existing communications infrastructure to a digital network, including any alarms systems or CCTV you may have.

Digital Essex is collaborating with Ambitious Essex and FarrPoint, to help businesses in Essex to prepare for the move to digital landline. This free webinar will provide you with all the guidance and resources you need to be prepared and future-proof your business.

The webinar takes place on Wednesday July 17 from 11.30am until 12.30pm.  More details can be found here 



Street Cleaning 

Braintree District Council has published its street sweeper schedule for 2024/25 and has a programmed route concentrating on main highways where there are kerbs.  The next road sweep for Bradwell and Pattiswick is 8 July and, where possible, residents are encouraged to park elsewhere on this date (and the dates shown below) so that sweepers have clear access to the road channels.

Bradwell Street Sweeps for 2024/25:

4 April, 8 July, 8 October and 10 January.

Please click on the link below to view the latest street sweeping schedule.