
Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR)

Following the Internal Audit of the Parish Council's accounts for the year ended 31 March 2024, notice of public rights and publication of the AGAR, is given here.


Street Cleaning 

Braintree District Council has published its street sweeper schedule for 2024/25 and has a programmed route concentrating on main highways where there are kerbs.  The next road sweep for Bradwell and Pattiswick is 8 July and, where possible, residents are encouraged to park elsewhere on this date (and the dates shown below) so that sweepers have clear access to the road channels.

Bradwell Street Sweeps for 2024/25:

4 April, 8 July, 8 October and 10 January.

Please click on the link below to view the latest street sweeping schedule.


Replacement Minerals Local Plan Review - 2025-2040 - Deadline Extended

The consultation deadline for the Replacement Minerals Local Plan Review has been extended to 9 April 2024.  If you have not done so already, you are encouraged to respond to Essex County Council, via the following link

At the meeting on 11 March, Councillors agreed the Parish Council's responses to both the Local Plan as well as the proposed sites affecting the parish.  These cn be viewed in the links below:

Parish Council's reponse to the Replacement Minerals Local Plan Review

Parish Council's response to the proposed sites affecting the parish


Replacement Minerals Local Plan Review - 2025-2040

Parish Council's draft response

The Parish Council has drafted a response to Essex County Council's consultation to the Replacement Minerals Local Plan Review.  This will be discussed, agreed and finalised at the next Parish Council meeting on 11 March.  A copy of the draft is available for residents to view here.  If you have any comments or points you would like to make on this ahead of the Parish Council meeting, please send them to Cllr. Dunn at, copied to the Clerk at  


Replacement Minerals Local Plan Review - 2025-2040


With reference to the Replacement Minerals Local Plan Consultation that is currently underway, Stisted Parish Council are inviting all residents in the parish to an open drop-in meeting on 21 February 2024 in Stisted Village Hall from 7.30pm

Residents will be aware that there are six proposed sites which either lie within, or border, the Parish of Bradwell with Pattiswick (including Stisted).  If approved, this will have a major impact on all residents, and the Parish Council encourages as many of you as possible to attend this meeting to hear what is being proposed and to have your say.   



Replacement Minerals Local Plan Review - 2025-2040 

Cllr. Tony Dunn has prepared a summary of the Replacement Minerals Local Plan review, with his thoughts on how the Parish of Bradwell with Pattiswick, as well as the adjoining community, will specifically be affected should the plans be approved. 

This paper was presented to Councillors for their consideration at the Parish Council meeting on 12 February, and comments as to how the Parish Council should respond will be discussed and decided at the next meeting, due to take place in the Village Hall on 11 March at 7.30pm.

A copy of this summary document can be found hereShould you have any comments or points you would like to make to the Parish Council, please send them to Cllr. Dunn at, copied to the Clerk at . 


Replacement Minerals Local Plan Review - 2025-2040 


Essex County Council have begun the next stage of the Replacement Minerals Local Plan Review and are undertaking a six-week public consultation during which time they are inviting comments from both residents and Parish Councils potentially affected by the Plan.  

Please express your comments and make your feelings known by attending the next Parish Council meeting on 12 February and also by taking the time to respond to Essex County Council here, which contains all the related documents as well as details of how to respond.