


One of the themes to come out of the 2024 Neighbourhood Plan review, was that residents were keen to reinstate the Neighbourhood Watch scheme in the parish. 

The Parish Council is very supportive of this request, however in order for this to happen, we need volunteers to act as local co-ordinators. 

It is up to each village to decide how best the scheme works for them, but typically co-ordinators are responsible for tasks such as distributing newsletters and leaflets, putting up NHW street signs, providing stickers for bins and windows, issuing personal alarms to those who might benefit, applying street sign, visiting those without internet access (typically more elderly residents).  Tasks can be divided by street/area to help share the work.

Co-ordinators can liaise with other parish co-ordinators across the district and meet with local police to discuss issues closer to home.  There is also plenty of support from District Co-ordinators. 

If this is something you would like to help with, no matter how small the task, please contact the Parish Council Clerk at

Unless we have volunteers, the scheme cannot go ahead.


Braintree Community Policing Team - Save the Date !!

Following the sucess of Braintree Community Policing Team's "Growth Op" incentive, to visit villages and speak to residents about local concerns, the next date has been announced. 

PC James Draper and his team will be at the Bradwell Village Hall on Saturday 1 March, at 3pm, and look forward to meeting you.  Please note that, whilst there is every intention to be there at this time for 30 minutes, as an emergency service, and in extreme cases, they may have to be called away, so your understanding will be appreciated.  


Bradwell with Pattiswick final Neighbourhood Plan 2024-2041

Neighbourhood Plans give local communities direct power to guide and shape the future of their Parish. The Neighbourhood Plan provides us with the opportunity to establish objectives and requirements to guide and manage future development proposals in the Parish in order to ensure that local needs are met, but also to ensure that the valued characteristics of the Parish can be maintained and protected for future generation

The Bradwell with Pattiswick Parish Neighbourhood Plan was made in July 2019. After five years, it needed to be brought up to date. The Parish Council circulated a questionnaire to everyone in the Parish, the answers are summarised in a Report on the Parish Council web-site here.

44% of you responded to the questionnaire – thank you - and your answers have now been incorporated into the Regulation 14 version of the revised Neighbourhood Plan which can be downloaded here.  


Para 1.11 on page 6 of the revised Plan summarises the changes which have been made.


You are invited to support / comment on this version of the Plan.  Details of how to do this are on page 7 of the revised Plan.

By Post to: Tony Dunn, Ballaglass Cottage, Coggeshall Road, Stisted CM77 8AB

Or Email to: Clerk to Bradwell with Pattiswick Parish Council


Your support is invaluable.

Thank you

N.B. The consultation deadline is noon on Wednesday March 26 2025


Garden Waste Subscription 2025/26 


You can now subscribe or renew for garden waste collections between 1 April 2025 and 31 March 2026.

The first bin subscription fee has been frozen at £55 for a year's collections. Each additional subscription fee will be £30.00, with the cost of an additional or replacement bin at £35.50. For homes on garden waste sack collections, you will be able to purchase a roll of 20 sacks for £8.

If you subscribe online this year, we will auto-renew your subscription annually, so you won't need to do so again next year. Once we have received payment, we will send you a confirmation email which will contain details of this, and how to opt out of auto renewal.

Subscribe or renew


Your Village Needs You!!!

There are lots of different ways in which you can be more involved with the village and the Parish Council will gladly welcome volunteers.  This year there is the seasonal litter picks, distribution of the free Parish Newsletter and setting up of the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme for the village.  If you would like to offer your services and think you would be able to help, please e-mail the Clerk at

Thank you in advance from the Parish Council!!



Essex Air Quality Strategy

EssexAir have launched a public consultation for the new draft Essex Air Quality Strategy. The consultation started Monday 20 January 2025 and will run for six weeks, closing on Sunday 2 March 2025.

The Essex Air Quality Strategy has been developed by the Essex Air Quality Consortium, which brings together all 15 borough, district, city, county and unitary councils across Essex (including Southend and Thurrock) to work together to improve air quality in Essex, under the banner of EssexAir.

The strategy sets out a shared vision, aims and a series of actions the consortium plans to take to improve air quality in Essex and help reduce the impact of air pollution on people’s health.

Residents are encouraged to share their feedback on the draft Essex Air Quality Strategy through a formal consultation response.  This can either be submitted by completing the on-line survey at or by emailing them at:


Braintree District Council Local Plan Review 2041  

Residents will be aware that Braintree District Council (BDC) is in the process of updating its Local Plan. The current Local Plan is a two-part plan which runs until 2033 and serves as the strategic framework that guides the growth and development in the Braintree district. It addresses crucial aspects such as housing, employment, infrastructure, and environmental considerations.

Why is it reviewing the Local Plan?

BDC is reviewing its plan because it will be considered “out of date” in February 2026 as it will have been 5 years from the date of its original adoption. Following the Government’s update to the National Planning Policy Framework, BDC will be able to take more time to review the plan and are aiming to submit this to the Planning Inspectorate in June 2026 as agreed by the Local Plan Sub-Committee at its meeting held on 16 September 2024.

A review of the Local Plan is needed because once a plan is 5 years old, its policies have less weight in the planning application process. In addition, the updated National Planning Policy Framework includes a new methodology for calculating housing need which means they need to plan to deliver an increased number of homes each year in order.

The review of Braintree’s Local Plan will extend its timeframe from 2033 to 2041 and they now need to allocate sufficient land to deliver 1,115


Anglian Water Freebies!
Anglian Water are offering some bathroom devices to support customers save water, energy  & money.  A Bath Buoy is a blow up device that fits in a bath to help reduce the amount of water needed for children's bath times, enabling families to save up to 15 litres per bath time and maybe even more.  A reduced flow shower head helps to reduce the amount of water coming from the shower by up to 5 litres per minute, without effecting the showering experience. 
If you, or anyone you know, would benefit from one of these devices, please e-mail the Parish Clerk at by 31 January 2025.

Anglia Water's terms terms and conditions for their water saving devices can be found here for information:


The new refuse and recycling calendar 2024/25
Braintree District Council has published its refuse and recycling calendar for 2024/25.  Details can be found on their website to download as soon as the old one expires and, as well as the dates, they also provide information as to what goes into each bin or sack and where to take other recyclables.  

Download your collection calendar – Braintree District Council


The digital switchover - What it means for you!

Digital Switchover by 2025

Essex County Council’s Digital Essex team wants to make residents in Bradwell and Pattiswick aware that changes are coming to analogue landlines.  

By 2025, traditional phone lines will be replaced by a digital landline service. This means that calls will be made over a broadband line. 

For most residents, this change will be straightforward – you’ll also get to keep your phone number. Your telephone provider will contact you before anything changes. It is important to respond and discuss what you need to do to ensure your service won’t be affected. 

The switch to digital landline services could affect some residents. If any of the following apply to you, or someone you know, make sure you contact your telephone provider: 

  • You don’t have broadband
  • You rely solely on a landline
  • You use a personal alarm or healthcare device
  • You live in an area with poor mobile signal
  • You have additional needs

If you’re confused, worried, unsure, or have any questions, call your telephone provider. 

Visit Digital Essex near you! Digital Essex will be attending events across Essex this Spring and Summer, where they’ll be sharing the latest information about changes to phone lines.

They are planning to attend the Braintree Street Market event on the 29th of June. This is subject to change so please see the full list of events at

BT is also visiting locations across Essex throughout May. For full details, visit their website at

If you’d like to read more about the switch to digital landlines, visit Essex County Council’s website:

What it means for your business 

If your business uses old analogue lines, you will need to switch your existing communications infrastructure to a digital network, including any alarms systems or CCTV you may have.

Digital Essex is collaborating with Ambitious Essex and FarrPoint, to help businesses in Essex to prepare for the move to digital landline. This free webinar will provide you with all the guidance and resources you need to be prepared and future-proof your business.

The webinar takes place on Wednesday July 17 from 11.30am until 12.30pm.  More details can be found here