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Three Counties Charity Walk 2024

The 19th Bartlow 3 Counties Charity Walk took place on 5th May 2024 - and what a result!

Well - the money has all been collected in and I am delighted to say that (thanks partly to perfect walking weather I admit!) we attracted a record 1101 walkers and generated an amazing £21,031 for our three charities.

The Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust donation will go towards their Cambridge Cancer Research Hospital Appeal. Tom’s Trust tell us that their share will support four families going through the trauma of a brain tumour. The share for Bartlow Church restoration will go towards the £70,000 we need to restore the North entrance.

Thanks so much to all who came along to the walk, as well as our sponsors, landowners, our army of helpers and those who refresh and entertain us all. It really is a team effort and we have a great team.

Over the 21 years of the walk (19 walks) we have raised over £200,000, and of course we don’t plan to end here. The 2025 walk will be on 4 May, the usual Sunday. Please save the date!

Duncan Ogilvy (walk organiser)

see the dedicated walk website for more details>>