Expenditure over £100

Expenditure from 1 April 2024


Expenditure from 1 April 2023

Clerking - £181.99

EALC subs - £120.88

Village Coronation Party Donation - £100

Clerking -£182.50

Grass Cutting - £654

Clerking - £182.50

Insurance - £959.74

Clerking - £130

Grant to Church - £200

Electricity Grant - £200

Grant to Village Hall - £300

Village Hall Fuse Box Replacement - £325

Play Area Inspection - £127.80

Street Light LED Conversion - £432

Grass Cutting - £654.00

Clerking - £179.25

Hedge Cutting - £210

Grass Cutting - £645.00


Expenditure from 1 April 2022

Clerking - £127.32

Clerking -186.37

BDC, Grass Cutting - £552.00

EALC subs- £119.16

BHIB Insurance- £996.68

BDC, Grass Cutting - £522.00

Grant to Village Hall - £300

Grant to Church for upkeep - £200

Street Lighting- £200

Village Sign Repair - £190

Paul Chinnery Hedge Cutting - £240

ROSPA inspection - £121.80

Grass cutting - £522.00

Village Sign Repair - £190






Expenditure from 1 April 2021

NGF Play - £1529.66

EALC - Subs £115.52

Clerking - £105.87

BDC grounds maintenance - £1926.62

Clerking - £102.25

BHIB - Insurance - £975.72



Expenditure from 1 April 2020

 TJ Printing - Printing of Parish Plan - £775.80

BDC Grass Cutting - £1907.38

Clerking -£103.50

Clerking £161.00

BDC grounds maintenance - £1800.88

DR Smith, Path to play area - £1500

KC's , notice board repair - £475

Insurance - £861.91

Clerking - £202.30

Play AreaInspection - £120.00

Clerking - £128.79

Grant to Hall & Electricty costs  - £700.00

Grant to church - £400.00

Clerking £161.00



Expenditure from 1 April 2019:

 Clerking - £179.48

BDC Grass Cutting - £1860.86

EALC subs - £105.24

Clerking- £134.17

Playing field maintenance - £216.00

Picnic Bench - £150.00

Insurance - £850.00

Grant to Hall - £1000

Street Lighting Electricity - £100

Clerking - £162.60

Grant to Church - £600.00

Play Area Inspection - £120.00

Parish Plan Printing - £261.60

Hedge Cutting -£144.00

 Clerking - £149.50

Play are picnic bench- £423.50

Clerking £192.74

Expenditure from 1 April 2018:


EALC subs - £101.88

Clerking - £137.50

Village Hall Grant - £1,000

PCC Grant - £750.00

Play Area Inspection -£117.60

Clerking - £126.00

Play Area Hedge Cutting - £168

Litter Picking - £140

BHIB Insurance Brokers - £823.24

Clerking - £119.25


Expenditure from 1 April 2017:

EALC subs - £101.81

Clerking - £117

Clerking - £125.58

Litter picking -- £117.25

Parish Plan - £113.23

Insurance - £913.88

Defibrillator (Heartbeat Trust) - £2,424

Clerking - £135.33

Play Area Inspection - £117.60

Ashen Church Council Grant - £750

Clerking - £193.00

Hedge Cutting Paul Chinnery - £126

Clerking - £128

Clerking - £136.22


Expenditure from 1 April 2016:

Clerking and Transparency Codes  and Internet costs (March 2016) - £303.45

Second Nature Tree Services - £336.00

EALC Subs - £100.09

Litter Picking (Feb-April) - £110.00

Lap top (via Transparency Fund) - £389.98

Clerking (May) - £136.00

Grass Cutting BDC 2016-2017 - £1771.20

Insurance - £893.48

Grant to Ashen PCC - £750

Grant to Village Hall - £1,000

Clerking and Transparency Codes  and Internet costs (Sept 2016)- £105.60

ROSPA inspection - £117.60

Clerking and Transparency Codes  and Internet costs (Nov 2016) - £111.10

Clerking and Transparency Codes  and Internet costs (Feb 2017)-£103.66

Clerking and Transparency Codes  and Internet costs (March 2017) -£115.76






Expenditure from 1 April 2015:

Tree Services - £300

Litter Picking(Dec 14-March 15) - £133

Clerking (April) - £114.25

Clerking (May) - £103.38

Insurance - £864.92

Grant to Village Hall -£1000

Grant to PCC - £750

Parish Plan Costs - £250

Litter Picking (April - Sept) - £213

Playground Inspection - £110.40

Litter Picking (April - Sept) - £213

Grass Cutting at Playing Field (2015-2016)- £1728.00